The Perfect Wife

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"Good morning, sweety"

A beautiful Charlotte was standing in the kitchen, dressed with a pink dress and a blue apron, smiling to her husband, carrying a knife on her hand.

"Good morning Charlotte"

Victor said entering carefully to the kitchen, where Marvin was sat on the table.

"Breakfast? I've made some pancakes, and the coffee is ready, or do you preffer juice? Also I'm chopping some fruit"

"Coffee please..."

He answered her, cautios of her sudden behavior, he sat next to Marvin.

"Here honey, apple bunnies for you"

She gave Marvin some apple slices and then she served Victor his coffee.

"Please, eat at least one of them"

She presented to him a pancake with honey, and smiled sweetly.

He acceppted, watching her amused by the signifucant change on her actitude. She gave him a big smile and sat at the table facing him.

"Where is Nina?"

"It's her free day, so I'll stay with Marvin all day"

She took a sip of her coffee, and he just ate the pancake. Around the table everything was in perfect silence, the bright woman taking care of his son, haunted his eyes, and made him wonder, what he was doing with his life and marriage... But he remembered that she wasn't the one, maybe he did want her to be the one, but he couldn't lie to him anymore.

"I have to go..."

"So soon?"

He stopped and saw her waiting for his response, he clearly could felt the love from Charlotte to him, his heart sunk a little bit, when he reminded how he betrayed her.

He left, without looking back.


Charlotte was enjoying the afternoon with Marvin, it was a long time ago that she didn't spend time with him.

After doing her duties, she played with Marvin for a moment, and then she gave him a coloring book and some crayons.

She watched her kid for a moment and then, Charlotte decided to make an investigation, so she tried to move and went to Victor's studio.

She entered to the dark place, and turning on the light saw everything in order. She stopped for a few seconds, thinking her next move, but she ran to keep an eye on Marvin.

Her baby boy was still using the coloring book, and she left him there, and went back to the studio, taking a quick look, she found a folder on the desk, but she ignored it, while she was trying to open the drawer.

Nothing. It was locked. Thinking for a moment, she bit her lip and tapped her foot on the floor, she needed to think and fast.

Suddenly, her attention was caught by the folder, she took it in her hands and found out an insurance policy with others papers, and it was on Marvin's name...

She began to read, when suddenly she heard a noise, so she left the folder on the desk and ran to Marvin.

"Sweety are you ok?"

Her worries turn in relief when she saw her boy in perfect state, but then just the horror surprise her.

"What have you done? Your dad is gonna kill us"

She saw the walls with lines of many colors and she only could saw the smile on her son.

"Let's clean this up"

She took his hand and went for the cleaning tools. She was wondering why Victor didn't inform her about the insurance.


"I'm home"

Victor entered into the place and saw everything nice and clean, then a smiling Charlotte appeared in front of him.

"Welcome home, I've already made dinner for you"


He gave her a kiss on the cheek, and let his suitcase on the floor.

"Where's Marvin?"

"Sleeping already"

He took a moment and walked to the studio and he turned on the lights. Inside of the studio he checked the place and saw in the desk the folder and with the papers out of its place, so he grabbed them and opened the drawer, and he left them in there.

When he was out, he saw Charlotte as the perfect wife he wanted her to be, serving the dinner, smiling and humming some song.

Charlotte saw her husband, standing, watching her carefully. While she in her thougths, was a riot because the many things that it seem to be to weird for her. She couldn't affort to trust in him; he was upto something.

So she took one choice. Smile and pretend to be perfect as she can.

"Come love, let's dinner"

The war for Marvin was taking form, and she had to be prepared for anything, and everything.

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