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The sounds of laughter and male voices filled his house. It was poker night for his pack and of course the story of how he had been marked by a damn cat had been passed along to everyone.

"Does this mean that you're mated to a cat?" Drawled one of his old wolves around a cigar.

"Piss off," Jax said calmly as he peeked at his cards. He'd been asked the same questions over and over for two days now.  The damn cat hadn't returned last night, thank god, but it still remained a mystery as to why and how the cat had appeared.

He'd been so antsy the first day that he'd changed into his wolf and scouted the woman's house again. He chuckled under his breath when he remembered her eating a cupcake in her underwear. Her entire body had flushed when she had realized that her curtains were open. It was a nice body too- for all that she appeared average in her hobo clothes.

"Dude. Play or fold. What has you giggling like a school girl?"

"Maybe it's the kitty cat," Jason said with a grin.

"Piss off, Jason," Jax said for the millionth time that day. "I fold." He leaned back and watched his pack brothers play.

He wasn't about to tell them he'd been thinking of a human woman. It didn't work to mix with normal people. They weren't as strong, they had shorter life spans, and they had fragile concepts of reality. Plus, they hadn't seen her in her underwear. They wouldn't be able to appreciate just how hot her body was.

He pushed thoughts of her out of his mind and focused on the conversation around him. His brother was staring hard at Luke, trying to figure out if he was bluffing or not. James was drinking scotch and describing his latest conquest with many hand gestures. His pack was happy and relaxed.

He'd been alpha of the pack for two years. Before that, he'd been beta to his Father. He ruled the same way his Father had- a relaxed leadership built on trust and respect. They had two rules: don't endanger the pack and don't harm innocents. The pack was his family. Having them relaxed and happy gave him peace.

He watched as a younger wolf stepped into the room and announced, "There's been a siting of the cat, Jax. It's outside your window crying."

He jumped up and motioned for Jason and James to follow him outside. They walked soundlessly around his house and stared around the corner at a small kitten mewing at his window.

"Bloody hell. It's a kitten," he murmured to himself.

"Cute little thing," his brother added.

"Still a cat," James said gruffly. 

It was a little fluffy orange and black tabby with tiny ears and huge blue eyes. They watched it scratch at the side of the house and cry. It sounded so desolate that Jax felt himself start to weaken.

He watched as it suddenly stopped and sniffed the air. It turned around and trotted over to them on its little stubby legs. He watched curiously as it headed straight for him. It stopped at his feet and pawed his shoes before purring and rubbing against him.

"She seems to like you," Jason remarked with humor filled eyes. "She's following your scent. Very interesting."

"There's no threat here. I'm going back inside," James said with a disgusted look at the tiny kitten.

The kitten hissed at James and the fur on its back raised up - making it that much fluffier.

"Oh give it a rest, little tiger," James growled over his shoulder as he went back inside.

"Aww she's adorable!" Jason cooed and knelt down to pet it. The kitten swatted at his hand and hissed again before curling around Jax's foot.

Jason laughed and stood up. "She only likes you. What are you going to do?"

"What do you mean? I'm not doing anything. Have someone watch it to find out how it disappears. We have a poker game to finish."

"That's too cruel, Jax. She's only a baby! You heard her cry- we can't leave her outside by herself!"

"It's a trespasser on my territory. It's lucky I'm not killing it."

Jason frowned at him in disproval and crouched down again, "Here kitty, kitty. Come away from the mean man. I'll give you a nice bowl of milk."

The kitten ignored Jason and continued to purr around his foot. Jax sighed and picked up the kitten by the scruff of its neck. He held it at eye level and lectured it softly, "You don't belong here. Go find a nice cat to curl up around."

It blinked up at him with its big blue eyes and softly swatted his nose with a paw. It purred again and slowly shut its eyes- a look of contentment on its face.

"Dammit! I don't want a cat. Jason what do I do?"

"Well, if you take her inside you'll be able to keep a closer eye on her. Maybe you'll find out how she disappeared last time."

"Dammit all to hell!" He growled as he cradled the sleeping kitten in his arm. He was never going to live this down.

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