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Betty sat on her couch, holding a cup of coffee in her shaky hand, while watching the news. She couldn't believe she'd found a dead body. She hadn't seen the face, but she wondered if it was someone she knew. Maybe she'd seen him at the grocery store, passing each other on their way to buy milk or eggs. Oh god. She had to stop thinking about it.

Kilala instantly purred, "You can think about Our wonderful and how delicious it felt to be in his arms. Did you smell him? He smells like..." While Kilala struggled to think of the right term, Betty already knew. Cinnamon damn cookies.

"Enough Kilala, I don't want to think about the man who pretended to be my dog. That is just creepy! Have some self respect."

"He did that because he knew you were going to lock me in the house and I'd be all alone. I wasn't strong enough to talk to you yet. He saved us."

"Ugh. Not that again. So you would have been alone, big deal. People are alone all the time."

"You are very stubborn. Our wonderful is good for us. I know you felt it when you were in his arms. It's where we belong. It's good for him too. He was tired, but then he was not."


She sipped her coffee and waited for the news to talk about the dead body. She watched the same stories repeat every hour, but there was no mention of a dead body at the trail. She gave him one bloody job to do and he messed it up! She bet he didn't even call 911!

Why would someone not call the police? She gasped when the horrible thought struck her. The only reason to not call the police is if you didn't want them to investigate. This was followed by another question, that before she had dismissed as unimportant. Wasn't it convenient that he came at just the right time? Had he known about the body before hand?

She shivered and ignored Kilala, who was angrily defending Jax. The truth was she didn't know Jax at all. While she wasn't ready to turn him in as a suspect, she certainly wasn't going to run into his arms again!

That night she shut the window. When she had made her truce with Kilala she had not foreseen that he could possibly be a murderer. She went to sleep hearing Kilala threaten to destroy everything in the room. It turned out that she wasn't lying. She woke up to a destroyed bedroom and shredded clothes.

By the third night, Betty was ready to scream. She had a lengthy argument with Kilala that ended in her vowing to prove that Jax was at the least a no good, shady character. At worst, he was a murderer. If she was wrong about him (which she was confident was NOT the case), then she would kiss him and open the windows again. Her dirty minded cat wanted Betty to promise to sleep with him if she was wrong, but no way was she going to agree to that!

She started her investigation by watching his house through her window with binoculars. She noted that men and wolves came and went at all hours. He appeared very busy, which made sense for someone that was murdering people.

She was absently snacking on Cheetos during her stakeout when she noticed someone else watching his house. It was a man sitting in an old Toyota. She pulled out her phone and snapped some pictures. She wondered if he was FBI, maybe she should go out and talk to him? They could compare notes on Jax.

She continued munching on Cheetos as she kept an eye on the house and the man in the car. Before long, Jax left with his group of friends. The house was obviously empty, which made it curious that the FBI agent was still watching it.

Fifteen minutes later, the man got out of the car and walked purposefully to Jax's front door. He shoved something between the lock and went inside. Wait what? She peered closer, hoping to see what he was doing. FBI wouldn't break into someone's house would they? He'd obviously been waiting for Jax to leave.

The kitten claims her mate (complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ