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Betty let Koga outside before going to bed. He had woofed quietly and then ran off. Ingrate. He had followed her all day. He had insisted on eating everything she ate, even cupcakes. He had thoroughly explored her house and then had slept on her bed while she read a book. She actually didn't mind that part, it was nice to run her fingers through his hair while she read. Now he was gone and she was alone again. Stupid dog.

She pulled off her t-shirt and crawled under the covers. Tomorrow was her birthday. Not her real one, she was an orphan so she didn't know her real one, but it was the one she had been assigned. She cuddled into the pillow and thought about life in general.

She never celebrated her birthday- her birth didn't seem like the happiest occasion in her parents' life since they had dumped her at a hospital as a baby.  It was just another day to her, but it did dredge up some painful memories. There was a tiny part of her that was still wondering why her parents hadn't loved her. Had she been a colicky baby? Or maybe she was just unplanned? The foster families that followed definitely didn't love her.

She pushed those thoughts aside. It did no good to dwell on the past. She had a good life. She had steady work, she had food in the fridge (although significantly less after Koga ransacked it), and she had a roof over her head. That was more than some people had.

She closed her eyes and tried to force sleep to come. She could really use some cinnamon cookies.


She blasted her playlist while she baked cinnamon cookies. It was about damn time she had some - she'd only been craving them for forever. She had never ate cinnamon cookies before- but the smell was ingrained in her brain. She'd found a recipe for snickerdoodles, which she assumed was the same thing.

She had woken up with an intense craving, worse than before. She'd jumped right out of bed and started cooking. She put the cookie tray in the oven and stepped back to observe her handy work. In ten minutes she would have warm cinnamon goodness in her mouth. Hopefully that will cure the craving she'd been having.

She quickly put her kitchen back to order and then went to get dressed. She dressed up a little nicer today than normal. It was her birthday after all, even if she didn't celebrate it. She put on a hot pink bra and layered tank tops that fit tighter than she normally wore. She paired it with her nice jeans, her trusty sneakers, and some jewelry. Then she pulled her hair back in a messy bun and swiped on some mascara and lipstick. It wasn't much, compared to what others usually wore, but for Betty it was a pretty huge deal.

The kitchen timer dinged and Betty squealed. Yes! She ran to the kitchen and pulled out her cookies. After plating the cookies, she blew on them and waved her hands to get them to cool down quicker. She breathed in the smell and frowned. It was missing something. She hoped the taste made up the missing element.

She picked up one and broke it in half. Warm - check. Cinnamon- check. Cookie- check. She popped it in her mouth and frowned. It wasn't right. It tasted good as far as cookies go, but it didn't satisfy her craving. What was wrong? Maybe nutmeg? Or... What the heck could it be?

She spit out the cookie and threw it away. She glared at the stupid plate of disappointing cookies. They just weren't right. She sprinkled some nutmeg on top of a cookie and took a tiny bite- wrong. She tried more cinnamon- wrong. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal, it was just cookies. However, it felt like a piece of her soul was crying out for this something...

She growled and started cussing out the damn cookies. She wanted only one damn thing on the crapfest that was her birthday and she couldn't get it right. Bloody stupid snickerdoodles and their misleading promises!

The kitten claims her mate (complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon