Chapter 1

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Rachel hurried to follow her roommate and fellow nurse, Addie Miller, across the dusty yard towards the large corrugated metal building that housed the cafeteria for the compound. She had arrived late the night before to assume her new post as a nurse with the West African Medical Mission, or WAMM as it was referred to by those who volunteered for the organization. She had not had anything to eat since the previous afternoon and she could feel her stomach grumbling in protest as they pushed through the door and were hit with the smells of breakfast.

Addie had welcomed her warmly the night before then ordered her to get some sleep because she had a lot to learn and they would be starting early in the morning. Addie had vibrant red hair that was a riot of short curls, warm brown eyes, and a pert nose.  She was a broad woman, not fat, but very tall and thick boned, and she had a warm nature and a quick smile. Rachel had taken to her on sight.

"Here it is in all of its glory," Addie said with a sweep of her arm.  The cafeteria was full and there were only a couple of seats left. The floor was concrete and there were a few windows that allowed a little light to shine in, but the overall feeling of the place, with its long metal tables and matching benches, was utilitarian. 

"It looks like we just made it, so hurry up or you won't get to eat until lunch."

Rachel followed Addie's lead, grabbing a tray and silverware before moving into the short line.

"Remember, they're very strict with the meal times.  If you don't get it when it's served, you don't get it. Unless you make friends with the cafeteria staff," she added this last part with a wink.

Rachel watched as her tray was filled with powdered eggs, something resembling meat of some sort, and toast.  There was a large bowl of fruit at the end of the serving line and she grabbed an orange.  They stopped at a beverage station where there was coffee, tea, water, and what looked like some kind of orange drink.

Addie zeroed in on a spot at a nearby table and led the way with Rachel sticking close behind her.

"After we eat I'll take you on a quick tour then you'll get to meet her highness."

"Her highness?" Rachel asked as she attacked her food in an unladylike fashion.

"That would be Jolene Bowers, she's in charge of all of the nurses," a pleasant young man sitting next to her supplied. 

Rachel looked at the man and met a friendly pair of hazel eyes.  He looked like an all American guy.  He had sandy brown hair and a broad build. Rachel couldn't help thinking that very few people at WAMM missed their meal times.

"This is Paul Meeks, Paul, this is Rachel Edwards. She's my new trainee."

"Pleased to meet you," he said, extending his hand.

Rachel put her fork down just long enough to shake it.

"How many people are there here?" Rachel looked at the full Cafeteria, it felt like there were hundreds in the small space.

"There are a total of about fifty.  It's a well-run unit, and about half of us work here on site and the other half work in the field, either as traveling medics or as educators.  The directors of WAMM feel it is necessary to educate as well as heal," Addie said with pride and a touch of hero-worship in her voice.

Paul rolled his eyes.  "One of our directors has the ability to make all of the girls fall for him without even trying, and the sad thing is that we guys can't seem to hold it against him."

"That's because he is simply the best." Addie grinned as she peeled her orange.

"What about the other director?" Rachel asked in between sips of coffee.

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