Chapter 2

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That week Rachel dug into her new job, trying her best to forget Jack was around. It proved hard to do since every time she turned around he was there, reviewing a patient's chart, or working with the outpatients.

They had come to an unspoken and mutual understanding to ignore each other during these brief encounters. Who was following whose lead she couldn't say, but it made Rachel uneasy because she was unsure of how long the status quo was going to hold before she had a nervous breakdown. All she knew was  that she wouldn't be the first one to acknowledge their situation. He had already broken her heart once, and she didn't think she could handle it again. She had no idea what game he was playing or why she was there.

On Rachel's third day, when she began training in the outpatient clinic, Jack decided it was time to acknowledge her presence with something other than a nod. She and Addie, along with two other nurses, and two administrative personnel were waiting when Jack walked in wearing his usual work uniform of jeans and a white button down shirt with his lab coat. He greeted them with a friendly smile, chatting with everyone, as he checked his supplies for the day.

Rachel remained silent, watching him interact with the others. She had been Jack's friend, wife, and lover, but she had never worked with him before, and despite her unease about being in his presence, she was curious to see how he worked.

She noticed Addie was oddly subdued as the others all vied for Jack's attention, and Rachel realized that she had a shy streak when it came to men.

Jack laughed at something one of the admins said then looked up and caught Rachel's eye.

"You're very quiet this morning Nurse Edwards," he said before looking back down at the paperwork he was reviewing. After five years these were his first words to her, and her heart wanted to cry out.

"I'm just trying to absorb everything since I'm new to the job Dr. Cooper."

"Please, call me Jack," he said, not looking at her as he said it.

"I think I'll stick with Dr. Cooper," Rachel insisted, crossing her arms defensively, waiting for one of his smart remarks.

He looked up at her with an amused expression, not saying a word, and as it always did, his calculated silence made her say more than she meant to. "Addie has told me that you prefer to be called by your first name and that you had enough of formalities in the Army, but I prefer to call you Dr. Cooper. It helps to remind me that I work for you." Rachel realized she was over explaining and his amused expression quickly made her shut her mouth.

"Why don't you stick close to me today Nurse Edwards? I'll make sure you learn all you need to know."

Rachel had to bite her tongue to keep from telling him he had already taught her more than she ever needed to know. She couldn't be sure that he meant it as a play on words, referring to all that he had taught her after their marriage, but that was how she took it, and she couldn't fight the pink that tinged her cheeks.

However, her embarrassment was quickly replaced with anger, deepening the red on her cheeks. Why did he find this amusing? It was obvious that he was not hurting at the sight of her. He thought this was all a game, and he must believe that she did as well.

Well, it wasn't a game. It was her heart, and it hurt.

But how would he know that? When he left it had been all so civilized. He had simply told her he was going, and she had told him to take care of himself, and that was it. There were no tears, no yelling, or begging, even though her heart cried for her to do all those things. They had never even exchanged words of love, and as far as he knew she was just as comfortable with the situation as he was, and if she played it smart that was all he would ever know.

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