Chapter 9

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Rachel came awake suddenly, her heart beating rapidly. She was alone, so alone, and there was no one. Unable to breath and with silent tears running down her cheeks she pushed her way out of bed and the mosquito netting. Water she needed water. She remembered a small fridge off the kitchen in the back and she stumbled through the living area and around the sleeping men in cots of their own.

She was hyperventilating, having another panic attack. She hadn't had one in so long, but the events of that morning and the dreams had been too much at once for her to handle.

She was alone. It was all she could think about. Unable to make it to the kitchen for fear that she would pass out she stopped at the table that they had had dinner at and put her head between her legs and focused on her breathing.

"Ray?" She jerked suddenly at the light that surrounded her as Jack sat next to her with a lantern.

Unable to answer him she just looked at him helpless as she tried to suck in oxygen.

At the sight of her he grabbed her arms. "Focus Ray, is this a panic attack?"

She nodded. "Water?" she forced out between pants.

When he rose to move away she laid down on her side on the bench. When he returned he picked up her head and rested it on his lap running his hand through her hair. The soothing motion actually helped and she focused on it in-between breaths.

After some time had passed she started to relax. Not wanting to stop Jack's caresses she laid still.

"How long have you had these attacks?" he asked softly, "Do you know why you have them?"

"Always the doctor Jack," she said, avoiding the questions.

He heaved a sigh then he picked her up before she knew what had happened.


"Just be quiet Rachel." His use of her full name took her by surprise so she complied. He was upset about something. It was rare that Jack lost his temper, but she sensed he was very close, and if he did he would wake the entire house.

He carried her back to his cot and laid her down.

"Jack, no!" she hissed as she looked over at Paul who was out cold, snoring away in his cot across the room.

He ignored her as he laid down behind her. "You'll stay here tonight." He pulled the netting around them as he turned them on their sides and curled himself around her. It was so familiar she couldn't help the sigh that escaped her. Her body remembered his.

Jack was only wearing his boxers since it was too hot to wear much else and Rachel was wearing a tank top and shorts. She could feel his skin as it brushed hers. Convinced she wouldn't sleep a wink she fell asleep almost immediately. It had been a long time since she had felt so safe and secure.


When she opened her eyes the next morning Jack was gone and she heard Paul saying her name.

"Rachel," he hissed.

Remembering where she was she sat up looking for Jack.

"The others are up and moving, you had better be on your way unless you want to be discovered," he suggested, not really looking at her.

"Paul it's not-"

"Need to know basis, and I do not need to know. See no evil and all that." He stood up and stretched.

"You and Addie deserve the best friends of all time awards," Rachel said as she climbed out of Jack's cot and moved across the room.

"Sweet Addie. She's class."

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