Chapter 6

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Rachel did her best to avoid Jack over the next few weeks, but then Nurse Bowers asked her to stop by her office before going on duty.  Unable to recall anything that would earn her a "dressing down", as her father would say, she was anxious.

When she arrived at Bowers's office she found Jack and Dr. Lancaster already there. Jack looked good, he was wearing jeans and loose cotton t-shirt that clung his wide shoulders and broad chest, and he looked massive to Rachel as she sat in a vacant chair between him and Lancaster.

"Rachel, it's time that you learn what our field trips are all about.  Normally, we send all women and all men teams consisting of one doctor, one nurse, and one administrative person, but this time is different." Bowers paused to look at her to make sure she was keeping up with all that she was saying. "We'll have both Dr. Cooper and Dr. Lancaster, an extra nurse and an administrative person with you as well as a photographer.  We're about to start a major capital campaign and we need some photos for the press."

Bowers looked at Jack and smiled.

"Jack informs me that you speak fluent French, and Dr. Lancaster will need someone to translate for her." Bowers looked at Lancaster all but gloating at her for the fault. "I have very few people who are bilingual on staff, and now that I know you're one of those who is I think that you will make the perfect addition to the team."

Rachel had the sneaking suspicion that she was hoping Rachel would prove distracting enough to keep Jack's attention from Lancaster. Bowers must have bought the marriage bit hook, line, and sinker.

Rachel looked at her silently, not daring to say anything. Watching Jack and Dr. Lancaster together would be hell on earth, but if she declined to go then she would be neglecting her duties. She looked at Dr. Lancaster who looked less than pleased by the situation. Then Rachel turned to look at Jack who looked bored on the surface but his eyes, when they met hers, seemed amused by her hesitation. When her gaze returned to Bowers her lips were mashed together in a straight line of consternation.  No doubt she had expected Rachel to jump at the chance, and she saw her hesitation as a weakness in her skill as a nurse.

"That's fine with me," Rachel finally said, realizing she had little choice in the matter.

"Are you sure Nurse Edwards, it took you a while to answer?" Jack said, knowing full well he was pointing out the obvious.  Talk about stirring the pot.

"Yes, I'm sure Dr. Cooper," she replied, meeting his dark blue eyes head on, and trying not to drown. He was so handsome.

"Good," he stood up giving the group his breathtaking grin. "Now that it's settled, I have work to do."

"Nancy, would you also excuse us?" Bowers requested as Jack left the office. Dr. Lancaster nodded, rushing to catch up to Jack.

"Normally I would have preferred to go on this trip myself, but I cannot leave the nurses here without a guiding hand, especially since we have a doctor coming from the Baptist hospital to handle any emergencies that may arise. I hope I do not have to tell you how I expect a professional nurse to act on such a trip?"

"No, Nurse Bowers." Rachel suddenly realized that it was not the fact that she was married that made Bowers feel that Rachel offered protection against Lancaster, it was her sense of power over Rachel. She believed that she could fire her anytime she wanted.

The next half hour was taken up with a review of the trip.  They would be crossing the border and going into Togo.  There would be several stops at small villages, and they would help any people who were in need of medical care.

Rachel was given the night off but told not to get used to it because after the trip she was back on night duty. Realizing she had the rest of the day off, she didn't know what to do with her free time so she caught up with Addie who quickly dragged her over to the recreation building where it was movie night. They were watching an Adam Sandler movie which didn't appeal to her, so as soon as she could she made her getaway, deciding that a walk would be better. 

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