Chapter 16 -- Anthony

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"Wake up" a voice called out.

My eyes were still closed. Every part of my body was sore and numb. I could hear the grunt of annoyance from the person talking.

They slapped me across the face multiple times. My cheeks stung furiously with pain. I opened my eyes. I was looking on the floor.

The floor was pearl white and gleamed, reflecting the light off it's surface. I was only wearing my pants. My feet and chest were bare. I looked down at the pink and white scars of where my dad beat me. The sight always made me sick.

I looked up.

My vision turned into haze at the sudden change. A shadowed figure stood there in the middle of the room. My wrists and ankles were bound to the wall with marble cuffs. It was just like being a kid again.

I looked over to my right to see someone else locked up on the wall. My vision finally cleared to see who it was. My stomach dropped at the sight.


"Tracey! Are you okay" I called out frantically.

"No point boy, she's out like a light" the voice said. The man was right. Her head was slumped to the side. Drool hung from the corner of her mouth. Her red hair hung down covering her eyes. I looked ahead of me.

A man about my size stood in front of me. He had silver hair that was slicked back into a pony tail. His beard covered most of his lower face to the point where it hung down to his chest. His eyes were dark and ominous. He wore a dark casual suit.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT" I shouted at the old man.

"Anthony Zy Cochrane, seventeen year old Indigo. Mother died when you were born, survived father's constant abuse. Father gets executed. No siblings. Survivor of Indigo bridge and Indigo assassinations. One of the last. Best friends with Crimson Toxi" he announced officially. I wonder how long it must've took to remember and recite that.

"Who are you, how do you know me" I blurted out to the man. I was confused and flustered at this point.

"You may not know me personally. My name is Omar Remmington, head elder of the council" he paused letting me absorb the words.

"I'm curious Mr. Cochrane, why did you help Ms. Toxi in escaping? To make yourself more cool or heroic? To show your love for Crimson? What were you planning to do afterwards"?

"And worst of all you brought this poor girl into it. What are her parents going to think? How are they going to feel when they find out their little girl helped an Indigo like you break out Crimson from the holding cells".

"It's a shame really. Our youth now a days blaming all of the city's faults on the council and Zoe. When in fact they are the ones to blame. All of you arrogant rule breakers. Why is there such a need to break the system? It's a shame. But let me tell you this Anthony; this won't go unnoticed. You and Tracey will both be punished for this. You'll regret ever knowing Crimson" his words were becoming sharp and harsh. He wasn't taking lightly to this.

"Why did you have Crimson locked up in the first place" I spat out to Omar.

"I'm not going to go into depth with you as to why it came to be. That's a matter of privacy issues. If you knew about this you'd probably go around running the streets telling everyone. Just like with Shawn. What I will tell you, Anthony, is that she was an important asset to us. AND YOU LET HER OUT". His voice echoed throughout the room.

I couldn't help but to smile at his anger and frustration.

"You think this it's funny, boy" he grunted. He pulled out a miniature white remote with a single button on it.

"Typical, you finding this ordeal a big joke".

He pressed the button on the remote.

A sharp jolt shot throughout my body. I was being electrocuted. The volts of electricity traveled through my body; burning me alive. My heart thumped repeatedly like it was going to burst inside of me. I screamed through my teeth.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" I repeated in agony. His thumb let off the button. My head dropped down. It felt like steamed came off my body. I tried regaining my breath.

"Hurts doesn't it" Omar smiled. "You let Crimson escape Mr. Cochrane, you and your friend Tracey. Do you realize what you did"?

"Well I can't tell you like I said before. But she was a valuable asset to us. What I will tell you is that you and Tracey will be punished, there's no doubt about that. There hasn't been one decided yet, but when we do I will be back".

And with that he left the room. His dress shoes tapped across the room. The door slid open and closed behind Omar.

There was a hiss after a couple seconds when he left. It was my cuffs. They slid inward into the wall. I fell forward on to the floor. Pain shot through as I landed on the cold floor. Another hiss shot out next to me.

Tracey's cuffs.

I crawled over in front of her before she fell to the floor. She fell forward into my arms. She still didn't wake up. I turned her over so she was face up. I brushed the hair from her face. She looked very beautiful.

The room we were held in had somethings placed in it. There was one thin mattress on the floor. It had no blankets, pillows or sheets. Two steamy plates of food sat there next to it. Next to the food was two bottles of water. It was a measly portion but I could make do with it.

I stood up and carried Tracey to the bed. Gently I placed her upon it. My eyes focused on the plate of food for me. I don't remember the last time I ate something. There was no utensils to eat with so I used my hands. I ate the meal as if I was a newborn. I downed half of the water, letting some of it splash on my face.

A yawn lurked it's way though my mouth. Besides being unconscious, I hadn't had any sleep in the past two days. I looked over to the bed where Tracey was, sound asleep. It would probably be best if I leave her be.

I walked over across the room and rest my body on the ground. The hard marble wasn't the ideal sleeping ground. But I'm used to it.

I curled up into a ball, wrapping my arms around my knees. A tear streamed down past my nose. Soon my eyes flooded with tears. I was crying for Tracey because she may never see her family again, I cried for Crimson for whatever they may do to her when they find her. I cried because I did this to both of them. Crying is all I know from the years.

The tears blurred my vision.

Before I know it, I'm asleep.

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