Chapter 23 -- Kaitlyn

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It took me a while to wake up. And it took me a while to figure out where I was. I knew that I was on a bed. I opened my eyes to see that I was back in my room.

Strange. Last time I remembered being awake I was on the peak with Crimson. That's when I broke down crying. And that was it. She must have brought me back to my room. That was nice of her.

I stood up out of bed. I still had my old clothes on from last night. At least she didn't change me into my underwear. That would have been weird. There was no point to change clothes, I was fine as is.

I sighed to myself. I felt so embarrassed. Crying in front of Crimson like that. I usually never cry in front of anyone, ever. Not even Anthony has seen me cry. I guess seeing the city up on that peak, realizing that I might never get to see Anthony anymore got me emotional. And it was true.

This city ruins you. It changes you from a decent human being in to a monster. I lost everything because of the corrupt rules and ways of the council. And Zoe. But now I have another family, another home. Here with Anthony and Crimson. Wherever Anthony was.

An alarm went off disturbing my thoughts. It was a public announcement alarm. It boomed out around the whole city to this room.

I could hear the announcement about to start as the alarms went off. I ran out of my door, through the deteriorated hallway to the large opening in the wall. The sun blasted it's bright light through and blinded me. I didn't care, I needed to hear what was going on.

"Civilians are welcomed to the town square for today's first ever special event. Two faction members that have recently graduated the city's new seventy have been chosen to explore outside the wall to collect data from the land beyond. All are welcome as we celebrate such event. A dance will be held after at night with food and music. Once again all are welcome to this special event" the voice called out all the way from within the city.

Two people are going out the wall?

That's strange. They never let anyone go out the walls for any reason except for punishment. Especially not for data collecting. And even more so of two recent faction graduates.

I ran further down the corridor to Anthony's room. My footsteps fell down heavily on the wooden foundation of the hotel. The sound bounced off the walls back into my ears.

Her door was partially open. I had no need to be quiet, she probably already woke up from the announcement or my heavy foot fall. When I walked into the room she was sitting up in her bed, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Crimson did you hear the announcement" I said frantically.

"Barely, all I heard was your foot stomping" she chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. I had no energy or time to joke. "I'm sorry about that but this is important".

"What is it? Is it the head elder's birthday today" Crimson yawned.

"No it's not that. The announcer said that two people from the recent faction graduates are being sent out the wall for data collecting".

That made Crimson's eyes widen. The blue in her eyes flickering. "When does it start" she exclaimed.

"I'm guessing it's in a couple of minutes, if we want to go we have to go now" I couldn't help but to keep the hurry out of my voice.

Crimson looked down at her sleep ware. "Alright, give me a minute to change out of this".

"Okay, but hurry. I don't know how much longer we have until it starts". I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me. I rested on the wall waiting for her to be ready. She swung open the door sooner than expected. Crimson wore blue jeans and a white t-shirt.

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