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Halfway through my conversation with Jasper, I suddenly receive a phone call, the caller being unknown.

"I'm so sorry Jasper but, can I take this?" I ask pointing towards my phone.

He chuckled lowly and just nodded at me.

I stood up from the chair I was sitting in and headed outside the breakfast place, just because there was better connection outside.

"Hello?" I asked cautiously, having absolutely no idea who the caller could be.

"Milla" I heard a soft voice speak into the phone, almost as if the person would be afraid to speak any louder.


"Hey" He whispers. 

"Why are you whispering Luke?" I should probably have asked why he called me but this was the first thing that came to my head. 

"Because I'm at work, and I shouldn't be calling you" He answered back, his voice getting bit louder. 

"But thats not important" he started, "What is important is where the hell you are! I've been trying to call you, where are you? I'll come and pick you up, no matter where you are." He explained, his voice now a normal talking voice. 

"Luke I'm fine, no need to come pick me up." I have to say my heart did kind of skip a beat knowing that he is so worried about me. I'm not gonna lie, something inside me thought he really wouldn't care so its quit reassuring to hear that, he proved me wrong. 

"No Milla, I'm worried sick about you, so is everyone back home, please, please just come home, I miss you" He whispered the last few words. 

I stood there silently, the phone raised up to my ear. The only thing that I could hear was Luke's steady breathing on the other side of the line. 

"Milla? Are you alright?" I heard a voice say behind me. I turned around to see a worried look on Jasper's face. 

I nodded and sent him a small smile. 

"Uhm Luke I have to go, I miss you too, I'll be home soon, I promise" 

And with that I hung up. 

I think Luke said something after I said that but I didn't let him finish since I hung up the phone. 

I turned back round to Jasper and entered the coffee place once again, him trailing closely behind me. 

"You look a bit upset. Is something wrong?" Jasper asked as we sit back down on the comfortable chairs. 

"yeah, just someone that I-I used to know called me, it just surprised me thats all" I said, trying to drop the subject. 

"It looks like it was more than just someone you used to know" He says, concern laced in his voice. 

" I- he was special to me and he, I don't know, we fell apart I guess" the last few words were just quiet mumbles and were nearly impossible to hear. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jasper asked, he reached out and put his hand on my hand that was resting on my warm coffee mug and sent me a sweet smile. 

I looked down at his hand and I couldn't help but let a slight blush creep onto my cheeks at his small gesture. 

He was so sweet and kind and funny and handsome. 

I mean he was everything that I have ever dreamed of in a guy. 

I also learned that he is athletic too, he plays football! 

But my brain keeps wondering back to those familiar blue eyes that I have grown to love, and the soft messy blonde hair that I miss touching and twirling through my fingers. 



That period of my life is over and it was a mistake. I see that now. 


I realised I had been looking down at where his hand was touching mine for a little too long and I raised my head and looked into Jasper's eyes. 

I shook my head, answering his question, and he just nodded. 

We sat in silence for a bit. 

Not an awkward silence, not at all, it was a very comfortable silence actually. 

I couldn't help but let my thought drift back to that phone call. 

It was very comforting to know that Luke was worried about me. 

But I don't understand why I am so happy about it. I thought I was over him. Should not care at all that he wants me home. 

I'm sitting at this cute little coffee place with a super sweet guy and I can't let myself get distracted by someone that I used to know. 

Suddenly a thought popped into my head. 

"This seems a little crazy but, since you are first starting school in a few months, would you want to come back to Sydney with me?" I blurt out, not even thinking the plan thoroughly through before asking. 

"Uhm" Jasper said, his eyes a bit wider than they were before, probably from my sudden outburst. 

"I'm sorry, it was a stupid question" I said, looking down at my feet,feeling really stupid for asking him something that he would obviously reject because of the lack of knowledge we know of each other. 

"No, I would love to" He said. 

I looked up at him. My eyes staring into his, a small smile grow on my lips as I continued to stare. 

"Really?" I asked, probably sounding like some kind of 5 year old that was a loud to get anything scoop of ice-cream.

"No" He said, his face was all still, he didn't even blink. 

My eyes fell back to my feet a small 'oh' leaving my lips. 

"I'm only kidding" He laughed. 

I looked up again, m eyebrows furrowing. 

This kid is seriously confusing me.

"Wait so do you want to or not?" I asked, the confusing clear in my voice. 

"I would love to go to Sydney with you" He smiled. 

I felt over joyed and jumped up from my seat before jumping into Jasper's arms. 

We sat and laughed for a bit before I realised I was straddling his waist and awkwardly stood up, blushing. 

A waiter came and too our plates and coffee and Jasper ordered the bill. 

I took out my purse to pay for my meal but Jasper put his hand on top of mine, mumbling a slight "I got this one", and then sent me a wink.

"No really you don't have to" I said. 

But he had already given the waiter the money. 

"So I was hoping we could quickly go to my sister's, I promised her I would go help her out with painting the new nursery" He said, sanding up from the chair and heading out, "She is having her first child and her husband int home so I promised to help her out" he said with a smile. 

"Yeah sure, I'm actually kind of a interior designer freak so I would love to help out." I explained and followed him to his car. 

"And anyways then I can tell her I'm going to Sydney for a bit" He smiled and sent me a wink making me blush. 


Hope you guys liked it. 

Please vote on this chapter and comment 

sorry this chapter took so long 

and the next update will most likely be a bit slow too

but I really hope you guys liked this update!

Love ya 


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