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-  -  -  10 years later -  -  - 

I woke up shivering, my arms and legs were no longer under my warm duvet and were instead exposed to the brisk wind coming from the open window. I look over to left to see my little four year old daughter completely secured in my duvet, looking like a small burrito. 

I smile softly at her, caressing her cheek as I admire her adorable face. When she stirs I quickly retract my hand, making sure not to wake her. 

The wind once again dancing through the large ajar window and brushes my skin ever so gently, causing goosebumps to form all along my arms and legs. I stand up from the bed and head towards the window, closing it quietly. 

As I do I hear a loud wail coming from the other room. I quickly leave the bedroom and enter the nursery next door, heading straight for the light blue bassinet. When I reach it I pick up my beautiful baby boy, pulling him close to my chest and start rocking back and forth while stroking his back. I then start shushing him quietly. 

Once he quieted down I start humming one of my favourite songs, swinging slowly to the rhythm. 

"I still think it is strange that you you keep singing that song to our kids." I hear from behind and soon feel a hand around my waist and a pair of lips on my neck. 

"I can't help it, I'm a 5sos fan girl until the day I die, no song will ever beat Want You Back." I whisper, turning around and meeting those electric blue eyes. 

"Did I wake you?" I ask, leaning my head against his chest, little Jasper still now sandwiched between me and Luke. 

"No, Ida just kicked me so I woke up." He said, rubbing the side of his hip as he did. I chuckled at that, the image of our little four year old being able to kick my grown ass husband out of bed always seemed to amuse me. It was not the first time that happened.

I stood leaned against Luke's chest for a little longer before swiftly turning around and placing Jasper back into his crib after kissing his forehead. 

"You know, it's a good thing that Jasper looks so much like me because otherwise I would be very worried about you calling him after one of your Ex's." Luke said, grabbing me from behind and pulling me towards his naked chest. 

I turn around in his embrace, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. "We talked about this, I really like the name, the person has nothing to do with it babe." I said, kissing him over his heart, then is neck, and then pecking his lips. 

"You sure you don't regret running into the sunset with him? Instead you are stuck here with an old incompetent husband and two annoying kids." He teased, squeezing my hips slightly as he said it. I knew he was joking, his tone and face said it all, but I knew that deep down he was definitely frustrated about how our relationship began. 

After Jasper went home I took a few days to gather my thoughts before finally calling Luke and telling him it wasn't going to work out. With the age, school, and our families it would just have been too weird and difficult. 

But he didn't give up, and around a year later, when I was finally done with high school and started university, I agreed to go on a date with him.

After that one night all my walls crumbled down and I knew that living without Luke for as long as I did was the dumbest thing I could have done. That year where I was avoiding him and not talking to him was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Luckily I had school to distract me, but it did raise a lot of questions because I never wanted to go over to Tilde's. 

After 6 months of properly dating Luke, we decided to tell our families. My mum was extremely sceptical in the beginning and for sure did not approve, but once she realised just how much we meant to one another she warmed up to the idea and supported it whole-heartedly. Tilde on the other hand was another story. 

She gave the 'Five stages of Grief' a whole new meaning. When we first told her she was in completely denial, refusing to believe it and thought it was all some sick joke. Once she realised we were serious she moved into phase two: anger. She refused to talk to any of us for a three months, which was very impressive considering we lived so close to each other and were in the same lectures. 

After that came bargaining. She tried to get us to breakup in every which way she could think of, all of which were failures. Then came the depression phase were she only listened to Emo music and questioned life and the meaning of it. 

When we were still together after a year her dreams of everything going back to how things were in high school were ruined and she moved on to the acceptance phase. Even though Luke and I have been together for nine years now, Tilde still finds it hard to believe that it is real. Most of my wedding day consisted of me trying to calm her down rather than the opposite and once she found out that I was pregnant the first time, she fainted. 

The pregnancy was a bit of a surprise. Luke and I had agreed that we did not want kids because of him already having two grown ones and thinking it might be weird and I wanted to focus on a career. However, things did not turn out that way. So yes, Ida was an accident, but she was the most beautiful accident I have ever made. 

She brightened up our lives so much that we wanted to have another. 

"I love you" I said, looking up at him, bring my right hand up to caress his cheek, "so so much". 

He smiled down at me, "Mhm, I love you too Milla." 

Then we just stood there, embracing each other quietly, enjoying the feel of our bodies pressed against one another. 

Luke then started to kiss my neck, gently, and then more roughly. 

"The kids are asleep, lets go to the guest bedroom" He looked me in the eyes, lifting his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. 

I laughed quietly as he dragged me out of the room and down the hall. 

I love this man.

He was once my best friend's dad, but now he is my husband, the father of my children and the father of my best friend. 


Right so this was for sure not the ending I had planned when I first started out this book, but hopefully it ties up some of the lose ends. 

I have been such a shitty writer and this is a chapter that really should have come out 3 years ago I honestly do not have any good excuses for it not coming out. 

Hopefully ya'll have some closure now. Also thank you so much for reading this book! I can't believe that I have gotten a million views on this story. 

Personally I am not that happy with this story, I started writing it when I was much younger and just started writing and when I re read the chapters in this book I just think they are absolutely horrible, but I cannot be fucked to reread and also I hate when writers delete old chapters and rewrite because idk I just do. 

By the way, I am completely okay and healthy, I just forgot my username and password for the account and then forgot about the account as a whole for years and now I am back and finished the story 

Thank you so much for my OG readers and also those who recently started reading, like i said, I think it's pretty badly written but oh well. 

I appreciate all of you guys so much and if it were for comments and views and likes then I would not have been able to finish. 

Much love. Fie 

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