••• Fifteen •••

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"Will you at least try and make sense of it!" Taylor screams from downstairs as I try and finish up my math homework.
It's been almost month since I was attacked and Taylor's secret was pretty much exposed to everyone. My parents and Taylor made the switch to homeschool as I still walk the halls of a pack that I don't know if they accept me or hate me.

Thankfully I'll be out of this house for the remaining hours of the night, Nixon taking me out. Why? I'll be eighteen, a legal age, one that means I've made my life even more of a messed up one.

Putting in the last answer for my homework, I make my shower quick, the outfit for tonight simple yet elegant. My parents think Emily is taking me out tonight, they also believe I'll be starting my new job as a housekeeper by this weekend.

I dry my hair, curling it as the time ticks bye. Looking at my arm, I remember the night I was attack, and I still haven't forgotten it, the nightmares coming back so often. That night I stayed with Nixon, not falling asleep as I just wanted to leave. He had murdered Adam, he had killed a member of his pack. Putting on my bra and panties, I scan my body over. I'll never understand how Nixon could prefer someone like me over a beautiful and model material girl that I feel like he'd rather go for.

My dress is next, the almost-knee length dress with a deep blue color, drop in the back, and fits my body form well. Paired with silver heels, I grab my keys and scurry down the stairs. I tell my family bye, leaving quickly as I grab my pea coat.

I drive to his place, thinking back to the past days leading up to this one. I think of where we will go on from here.
As I pass through the front door, I see him by the stairs, fixing his black tie as I enter. Nixon spares me a small smile, finishing up his tie as I place my keys down. "Evening."

"Same to you," he replies, a smile on his face as he walks over, instantly pressing his lips to mine as I smile. No matter how mad I can get at this man, I'll always be able to forget all those things when he does this to me. "Shall we go?"

I nod, following Nixon to the garage as he grabs a set of keys. This time it's the pair to his maroon Ferrari, opening the door for me as I slide in. Once in, Nixon is quick to get us out and speed out of the town. "What do you parents think?"

"I'm with Emily for the night and won't be home till tomorrow," I inform, looking at Nixon as the moonlight makes his features appear sharper than ever before. I look outside, watching the trees go bye as we take a new turn this time, one that leads away from the usual city and South, heading to another. "What's the plan tonight?"

No response.

No reply just like before I gave myself to him.

"Nixon," I speak up, turning to face him, my shoulders square as his hands are wrapped around the wheel in tight fists. "What's wrong?"

He's tense, far more than before. His gaze shortly flickers to my leg, the one where only a week ago blood was covering. As his eyes soften, a hand is laid upon my thigh, taking my hand in it as well. He takes my hand with him, brining it to his lips as a gentle kiss is placed upon the back. "I just don't want to see you hurt ever again."

In an hour we have arrived at a restaurant, the valet taking the car as Nixon locks my arm in his, leading me through towards the entrance. The place is beautiful, dim lighting, the workers here for business, customers decked out in brands and their most expensive pieces.

Nixon gives his name and we're led down a row of booths only to greet a stairway. I'm led up, my heels clicking against the polished floor as I notice the second floor of the restaurant. Beautiful.

Taking our seats, I notice a small stage, a man playing soft jazz on a piano while a woman sings in the same tone as Lana Del Ray. Nixon sits across from me, just watching me as I spot our waiter come to the table.

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