Prologue: Where It All Started

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|Four years ago: 8th Grade Formal|

Elizabeth's POV

I strutted out of Cecile's gigantic bedroom bathroom and twirled around like a princess for my friends. My golden dress reminded me of a flower as I spun. They 'oohed' and 'aahed' just like they had when everyone else came out to show off their dresses.

"It's so sparkly!" Samantha squealed, throwing both her hands to her face. We all loved it when she overreacted. She made things fun.

"Did it come in a size zero?" Abigail asked. She was petite.

"I'm guessing. This is a size five," I responded as I shook the flow-y dress to see it sparkle more.

"You look like a goddess!" Sophia added. She always found the perfect compliment.

"As do you, Queen Sophia," I said as I bowed to her.

"Oh, stop!" She said, blushing.

"I'm not going to the formal," Cici blurted out. We all groaned and crossed our arms in annoyance.

"Why? This night is supposed to be fun!" Abby yelled.

"I'm not in the mood for a lame middle school party. They're always a big disappointment."

"You never are in the mood for a middle school party! Magical things happen! Unthinkable things!" Abby yelled.

"They're meh. I'd rather read a book."

"Fine. But your mom is still driving us," Abby said as she stormed out of the room with anger. We followed her out the same way and headed downstairs to let Cici's mom know we were ready.

Things were already going downhill.


We walked into the school gym with confidence until we spotted our crushes all huddled together near the punch bowl, talking and laughing in their cute ways.

Abby automatically became a sassy diva when she saw Xavier Gibson, the jock. It was her way of acting cool. She popped some gum into her mouth and put her hands on her hips as smoothly as possible.

Xavier was good looking and sweet with the ladies, but only a cute cheerleader like Abigail would go for him since everyone else was out of his league. He has dark, curly hair and was the only guy at school with a stubble. He was built, too; you always could find him working out or playing a sport. He looked older than all of us.

Sophia started giggling and twirling her hair when she saw Max Young, the social media addict.

Max was just like any other boy at our school. He was famous on social media and most girls went crazy when they saw him. He had light brown hair and was almost always wearing a tank top. But tonight, he had a full suit on. It looked great on him.

Samantha didn't like anyone that we knew of; she usually kept quiet about that sort of thing. I knew she thought Jackson Jones was cute, but no one with a brain could date him. You might call him the player. He'd "dated" many girls and hung out with Andrew Russel, the pervert. Andy was decent-looking and funny, but that was wasted when he was being gross.

Cici liked Angel Smith, the goofball. But she didn't like to show it. She's always rude to him and treated him like trash.

Angel was hilarious and adorable. He could make anyone laugh. His hair was darker than dark brown, and he was always looking for a fun time.

And me? Well, I stood in silence and acted like a damsel around Nicolas Masters.

Nick was the nerd, but he could play a good game. He's very fit and I loved watching him play soccer. His hair was black and plain, but he combed it to perfection. He was a little skittish, but funny, cute, and sweet - well, in my eyes. My friends said often I could do better, but to me, no one was better.

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