Rorke pt 2 and explanation

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"Why did Logan turn?" I asked confused." It's a long story. I'll tell when we have enough time, mate," hesh said with a promising look." No, sir, It's a two hour drive... I'm sure that's more then enough time sir," said one of the soldiers, eager to hear himself. Hesh shuffled uncomfortably as the soldier sat down on the chair opposite me, next to him." I'm Wilson, glad to meet you," he held out his hands and I shook it firmly, angry that he had interrupted our conversation." Come on, then," he groaned, nudging hesh.

" Well first we attacked the ship Rorke was upon. I had commanded Merrick to fire on the ship itself. Soon it was full of water although Logan and me found a way out, thinking it was the end... Thinking he was dead. But he obviously survived it... even after being shot by Logan. Then he came and took Logan and that was the last I saw of my brothe-" he was cut off as the helicopter began to spin rapidly." We're going down!!!" The pilot screamed." Well at least you finished your story, Hesh," I joked nervously, blacking out as it hit the ground.


I woke up, startled by the light. Sunlight... I think? I realised I was in a helicopter and soon last night's events kept on rewinding
in my head." Finally... you're awake," somebody said. I stood up groggily as hesh, wilson, merrick, kick and two soldiers crowded around me in a hustle." Where's private harry?" I asked. Everybody squirmed and then stood rigid." He's dead," said merrick. I put my head down and then looked to the far right.

My gun was snapped in half." Ah yes, you'll be needing a new gun," hesh easily pointed out, flinging me an ak 47." I guess we'll be travelling on foot from here," I exclaimed, disappointed. Nobody replied so I was guessing yes. Everybody cocked their guns so we were all on full ammo. We crept out the door, our feet crunching on the dusty ground. We had crashed just outside the forest. Suddenly people's voices were heard so we abruptly stopped. Merrick held up a finger for silence because they were getting closer. They were now so close that we could see their tall shadow upon the tree...

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