Rorke finished pt 2

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We picked off the courses too easily until we came to a metal door... Although this time it was left ajar. I had a frightening instinct that something was down their. But when i saw hesh i knew i had too... we had already lost one. One to many. We crept down and through the dark, eery corriders and turned each corner so swiftly." Something isnt right," I said." I know... rorke is great on the guns so where is he? Keegan question, concerned about his sudden dissapearance. Only one door was up ahead and we knew that was it. The end for either the ghosts or federation." Follow behind," keegan whispered," getting into fatherly mode," you to have a hell lot of life in front of you." We didn't bother to argue and just followed. As soon as he opened the door me and hesh rapidly hip fired." Woah,woah- save your ammo, guys," keegan reminded us," your gonna need it." As soon as he said that a net flung out of nowhere and we could see no more except for the scary darkness of it.


I was awaken by a sharp push in the soldier followed by an even bigger bang into the head. My eyes were still fluttering though i jumped up when i saw a glint of orany red. Fire!!! Hesh was hovering above me, looking as if he'd seen a ghost." W-where's keegan?" I questioned envoisly. He just shook his head and held out a hand. I understood and just stood up, grabbing my ripper and leaving the following suit. When we had reached the free air we both took a breather and then watched as the building burned to rotten shreds like teared paper...

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