Backstory Part.1

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Kami had always been some mystery in the Soul Society. She held an almost motherly aura around her and in the same ways as her grandfather she was kind but her kindness held a breaking point. She was also very strong, seeing how she was trained by the head captain himself. Sadly because of her high ranking and how she was looked upon, she could never truly be herself. Deep down Kami wanted to be able to laugh and smile with a grin that took over her face, but she was the future head captain and she had to disciplined herself into behaving like a true monarch.

There would be many days when Kami would look out her window while doing her paperwork. She would see others smile and laugh while being close to their friends. Kami didn't really have many friends. She was kept away from the outside most of her childhood until her powers had shown themselves. From then on she was groomed to take her grandfather's place once he passed.

Things got a little brighter when she met a goofy captain near her age. She was surprised by his uneven and ruffled blonde hair and somewhat tousled appearance. Kami had never met anyone like him before and to say she was a small bit curious was granted. She started watching him whenever he was around, but because Kami was hardly anywhere other than with her grandfather.

(Can you guess who Mr. Mystery Captain is?)

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