How We Got Here

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(3rd POV)

Isshin froze. He had met Kami a few times in the past but had no idea what she was doing here. He had heard of her disappearance before he had left and had been confused by it to say the least. She loved the Soul Society and if rumors were true even had a relationship with one of the captains.

Now here she was standing in front of him in a gigi looking like any other human.

"Why? How? When?" Isshin questioned confused out of his mind. Kami held the same shock and even took a step closer to the door trying to decide if she should run. Her own questions formed in her head that she decided needed to answered before she bolted.

"Ichigo... is your son?" She asked slowly her eyes that were wide in shock narrowed considerably.

Isshin stiffened. His childlike mannerisms were no where in sight. He straightened himself and looked Kami in the eye strongly. "Not here." He spoke stockily. "Follow me." He turned and walked deeper into the house. Kami fallowed.


Isshin closed the door to the clinic and the house. He turned and looked back at the former princess. Kami glared at the old captain with venom.

"Explain." The she commanded. Isshin sighed and sat down in his chair looking down at his hands that were folded in his lap. There was so much to say. "Wait." He looked up at Kami confused. "Just answer me one question." Isshin nodded his head but didn't speak. "Aizen?" Shock jolted threw Isshin and his moth gaped slightly.  Taking that as conformation Kami turned her head and scoffed at the ground. He glare grew stronger as if it could burn a whole in the floor.

"Why are you here exactly Kami-sama?" Isshin asked snapping the woman out of her hate filled thoughts. Her eyes softened and she got a sad sorrowful look.

"He forced me out. He found what I cared most then he promised that if I didn't leave he would destroy everything that I've loved. I called his bluff. The next day he showed me what he called 'but a glimpse of the pain he could cause'. The next thing I know he threw me through the gates and put a seal on my back keeping me trapped in this gigi."

Not Good Enough (Kisuke X OC) Bleach fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now