Chapter 25 : Uchiha-san?

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"Life is a drink and Love is a drug.."

-Hymn For The Weekend, Coldplay.

School sucks!! o(﹏╥)o


Minako led Sasuke and the others away from the village and into an isolated part of the forest, another place she and Itachi use to meet and train together.

"What do you want?" Minako asked, standing on a branch.

Soon Sasuke and the others caught up, they looked up.

"Are you looking for trouble?" Minako jumped down, a few steps away from Sasuke.

"Hn." Sasuke glanced at his team and they spread out, cornering Minako.

"We just wanted to talk." Jūgo said.

"Hey Karin! She has red hair like yours, are you two related?!" Suigetsu yelled.

"HER HAVING RED HAIR DOESN'T MEAN WE'RE RELATED YOU IDIOT! Besides I'm too gorgeous to be related to her." Karin boasted.

Minako's eye and mouth twitched. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN FOUR EYES."

"The guy with the four eyes talks? Fascinating.." Minako murmured.


Suigetsu laughed loudly, but gets smacked by Karin.


"And for your information, I'm a LADY."

"Oh really? Where's your chest?" Karin turned red out of anger.

"And that spiky hair of yours, I really thought that you were a guy with long medium hair and annoying girly voice."

Karin was steaming, itching to knock out Minako.

"Karin." Sasuke called.

Karin huffed, and crosses her arms. "You're lucky that Sasuke-kun is here.."

"Or what? you're actually gonna hit me?"

"WHY YOU BI-" Suigetsu tries to hold back a hot-headed Karin, but fails miserably.

Karin walks forward, fist clenching and then does hand signs quickly. "Adamantine Attacking Chains!"

Big chains came out of her back, and launches straightforward to Minako. Minako sighs, and slighty shakes her head before the chains went through her. She dematerializes into various of crows, surprising Karin and the others. Minako appears at the back of the Uchiha, and ever so slightly puts a finger or hand on his shoulder, before anyone could react; Sasuke and Minako vanished.

"Now that your bothersome of a team and that obnoxiously loud girl is not here, what do you want?" Minako asked.

It took a second for Sasuke to regain his composure and to back away from Minako, then properly face her. "Where's Itachi?"

Minako's eyebrows raised, "Itachi?". Play dumb Minako and he'll never notice and will leave.

"Don't fool me, I know that kind of crow clone when I see one, now where is he?"

Minako inwardly sighed. well you've grown haven't you... Not the little brat I used to babysit.

"If I knew, I would honestly tell you, but I don't."

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