Chapter Sixteen- Meeting Up With The Gang Leader

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Chapter Sixteen

All of my classes went by quickly and eventually school was over. I was heading to Mason's car when my phone buzzed. I unlocked my phone and read the message.

Seth:We need to meet up, ASAP!

Me: What's going on?

Seth: Julio says that he needs to talk to you.

Me: Like I've already told him, I'm not joining you or your guys. And I don't want trouble.

Seth: You have to tell him that, because he's not listening to me.

Me: Whatever, where at?

Seth: Our usual meet up place.

I quickly put my phone away as Mason came up behind me. We both got into his Bentley and headed back to my apartment complex without saying much. It was silent the whole ride with Mason just drumming against his steering wheel.

I thought it was weird how he was so nice to me the night of the party but now he's giving me a cold shoulder. But whatever, this is only for revenge right?

"So I'll pick you up tomorrow?" Mason asks as he pulls up to my apartment complex.

"Actually I'm going to drive on my own tomorrow." I tell him.

"Why's that?" Mason asks.

"I have, um.... an appointment." I lie.

"Okay whatever. I'll see you tomorrow. Oh and by the way, you're going to have to kiss me a lot more if you want people to believe I've given up my player ways for you." Mason replies with a wink.

I just roll my eyes and then get out of his car.

Once I'm home I finish my homework and make dinner for myself, considering that Hailey is working tonight. After dinner I then change into my fighting clothes: black athletic shorts, tennis shoes, PINK sports bra, and my cropped gray sweatshirt, and put my hair up in a ponytail.

I then grab my keys and head to the usual bar we go to, to meet up at. Even though I don't want to, I have to if I don't want Julio and his men to track me down, then drag me to talk to them. I park about a block away before heading up to the little bar. Once I walk in I see the usual bikers, street racers, gangs, and fighters like myself. I go up to the counter to get myself a drink as I wait for Julio the rest of his gang.

"ID?" The bartender asks.

And so I pull out my fake ID and give it to the guy. He looks at it suspiciously but then gives it back to me and makes my drink. As I wait for him to make my drink in walks Julio, in all of his glory. His guys follow behind him and they begin to walk towards me. Although I'm usually a tough girl, I'm scared shitless of Julio. Julio has multiple tattoos, he's very muscular, and he has an terrifying and cold expression on his face. So, as the leader walks toward me with his men behind, I become nervous, but I put on a brave face. If I act scared, like a coward, Julio will use it as an advantage.

"Let's make this quick and easy, I have pick ups to make tonight." Julio says sitting down next to me, his men standing behind him.

"Okay here's quick and easy for you, no. I've said it more than once and I don't want to have to say it again, but apparently you haven't gotten the point, so I'll say it one more time. NO." I spat at Julio.

Julio sighs before speaking again," I said I wanted easy, but you're a difficult girl. I don't like having to play dirty Tessa, but I will." Julio says sending me a cold look that sends chills down my spine.

"You got my answer, so I believe we're done here." I say getting up, pulling a ten out of my wallet for the bartender.

I walk out of there as fast as I can and begin to make my way towards my car. And as I'm walking I swear I hear footsteps following behind me.

'You're just being paranoid." I thought to myself, but I began to pick up my pace.

I turn around and look behind me to see two men with their hoods up. I silently cursed to myself but made a turn down the alley. I looked behind me again, but they we're still following me. And so I made another turn, then another, and another. I must have made one too many turns because I was at a dead end. I turned around to see the two guys walking towards me. And as they got closer I recognized them from Julio's gang. I quickly hid behind one of the dumpsters and stayed quiet. I didn't know what they were going to do to me but I know that it's trouble.

"Tessa come out, we don't like to play hide and seek." One of them yelled, in a taunting voice.

I stayed as quiet as I could but let out a yelp when one of them kicked a nearby trashcan. One of them saw me and grabbed me by my hood, but I turned around and kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fall on his knees. The other guy came running towards me and tackled me to the ground making us both fall onto a pile of garbage bags. The man climbed on top of me into a straddle position and started punching me in the face. As things started to get blurry I grabbed his fist and twisted it, as I pushed him off of me. I was able to stand up as I held him down with his wrist by his ear almost to the point of being broken. Just as I was about to make his wrist snap the other guy came up behind me and grabbed my wrists.

As I struggled to get free, the guy who's wrist I almost broke stood up and took a switchblade out of his pocket. My eyes widened in horror, knowing this wasn't going to end well. I tried to break out of the man's grip, but he had too strong of a hold. The man with the switchblade teased me by trailing it down my skin, from my neck to my stomach and then he stopped. He decided he didn't want to tease me and he wanted to hurt me. He added pressure and the switchblade began to cut my stomach. I screamed in pain, but the man who had a grip on me covered my mouth, causing my helpless screams to become muffled. He finally let me go and I dropped to my knees in pain, as I clutched where he cut me. They both began to kick me in the head, ribs, and stomach. Everything around me becomes blurry and then it went black.

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