Chapter Seventeen- What Really Happened To Tessa?

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Okay so I know that these chapters are REALLY intense so I apologize for that. Anyway I'll be posting another chapter sometime this weekend! Please comment, vote, and share. Thank you!

- Bayleigh:)

I jolt awake as I hear a loud sound from behind me.

"Shit." I silently curse to myself as I try and sit up.

I start to sit up but my head begins to pound and I become dizzy again. I slowly rest my head back down on the ground. I look up around me to see nothing but brick buildings and trash cans owned by the little restaurants around me. So there's no one here to help me because it's probably close to midnight, I have no clue where I am or where I parked my car, my head is bleeding as well as my stomach from where the man cut me with his switchblade, and my nose and lip are bleeding as well. This couldn't possibly get any worse. I reach into my pocket to grab my phone to find that it's not there, I reach in the other one and I still don't find it. Okay maybe this can get worse! But I need to get up and get home to clean my cuts, I really don't want them to get infected.

And so I force myself to sit up again, but this time I come to find myself not dizzy. So I stand up and wince at the pain of my throbbing head, which has a gash about the size of a pen cap. I compose myself before beginning to search for my car. I walk down the alleyways and turn multiple corners. I search and turn for multiple minutes before finally finding my car.

I quickly climb into my car before speeding back to my complex building. By the time I'm there my head feels like a one thousand pound brick has been bashed into it repeatedly. I quickly parked my Jeep then make my way towards the elevator without wanting to be seen because they'd ask multiple questions.

Once I'm in the elevator I relax a bit, I'm still not sure what Julio is going to do or what he has planned, but I know that it can't be good. I hit the button and the elevator begins to go up to my floor. As the elevator goes up I become dizzy and nauseous again. But I make it to my penthouse. I stumble out of the elevator as everything around me begins to get blurry and try to unlock the door. I finally get the door open and then enter my home. I try and make my way to Hailey's room, but everything was spinning. I finally collapsed on the ground, knocking a vase down with me, before passing out again.

Hailey's P.O.V.

I jump out of bed when I hear something shatter. I was laying in bed on my laptop watching a few episodes of Gossip Girl, as I waited for Tessa to get home. It was already 1am but I was still waiting. Although I was worried about her I knew that she could handle herself just fine. I mean she is a streetfighter after all, and well she did knock out my boyfr-, ex boyfriend.

I quickly grab my softball bat out of my closet and open the door the slightest bit. Okay yeah I know, a baseball bat won't do shit to a burglar who probably has a gun! But it was thing to a weapon that I had in my room!

So I walk out of my room, softball bat in hand and make my way towards the living room where I heard the shatter. I look around before noticing something laying on the ground. I quickly turn on the lights and gasp when I see Tessa laying on the ground with a small pool of blood surrounding her head, as well as her nose and lip bleeding. Her cropped sweatshirt shows a gash on her stomach and bruises forming on her ribs I quickly grab my phone and then call the only person who knows how to deal with these situations. Tayte.

Tayte's P.O.V.

I stirr in my sleep as I hear the faint sound of my phone buzzing, but I just ignore it and try and go back to sleep. The sound keeps going on and it won't stop so finally I pick it up.

"Hello?" I ask, sleepily.

"Tayte! I need you to come over to our place right now! It's Tessa. I was in my room watching Netflix waiting for her when there was a loud crash. I grabbed my softball bat and went out into the living room, and when I did and turned on the lights Tessa was laying on the ground. She has a gash about the size of a pen cap on the back of her head, and I can't get it to stop bleeding. And her lip and nose are bleeding too. And her ribs and stomach are starting to bruise along with a cut on her stomach." Hailey rambles sounding frightened.

I don't say anything before hanging up the phone. I quickly get out of bed and change into some gray joggers and a black muscle shirt. After changing I grab my keys and race out of the house to my car.

Knowing Tessa, I knew that one of these times her fighting was going to be more than just a black eye, and this time it was. I knew how streetfighting worked, I knew what all went on, and I knew how much it helped with emotions. As a kid I grew up with an abusive father. My mom died when I was nine and I had no siblings, I was alone. After my mom died my dad became addicted to drugs and alcohol. He started to change, he would get angry at the tiniest of things and one night he decided to take his anger out on me. Then over time he would do it night after night, hitting me, kicking me, punching me until I coughed up blood. One day my sixth grade teacher asked why I had so many bruises. I was so afraid to tell someone but I knew that it had to stop otherwise my dad would beat me to death one of these time, and so I told her. Less than a month later I was taken out of my home with my dad and was put into foster care. My dad was thrown into prison for the rest of his life, and I couldn't be happier about that. I was in foster care until I was 14 before I was emancipated. I got my own apartment, a job, and I got good grades. But I couldn't keep up with the bills, and I needed money. I was already working the limited amount of hours at work and it still wasn't enough. So I started streetfighting. It was a rush of adrenaline when the crowd cheered for me, as I kicked my opponents ass. I had gotten so good that I was getting over 2,000 dollars a night from all the bets placed on me. But with all fame comes a price. I was in a match when my opponent completely destroyed me. The guy was four times my size and was very masculine. He beat me so much that I ended up in the hospital. I had four broken ribs, a concussion, and a broken wrist, along with multiple bruises and nicks. So I know exactly how streetfighting works and how dangerous it can be. That's why I'm so worried about Tessa. I know that it helps her control her emotions, but it's really dangerous.

It seems like no time has passed and I'm already at Tessa and Hailey's penthouse. I forget about taking the elevator, knowing it would take longer. I raced up the twelve flights of stair until I finally reach their penthouse. I pound on the door and right away it swings open.

I run over to Tessa and examine her. She is still asleep and her head isn't bleeding anymore. So I take care of her wounds and put her into her bed, before going to talk to Hailey.

"You okay?" I ask Hailey. She looked frightened by the whole situation and I wanted to make sure she was alright.

"Yeah, just a little worried that's all. Thank you Tayte, I don't know what I would've done if you wouldn't have been here." Hailey said hugging me.

I hugged Hailey back then asked. " Do you want me to just stay over? Tessa will need her bandages renewed and we both know she will most likely fight us." I said chuckling at the thought of Tessa being her impatient self.

"Yeah, that would be a lot easier, plus it's late." Hailey said yawning.

"Get some sleep I'll sleep on the couch." I said slightly pushing her towards her room. Hailey nodded then went to her room as I made my way towards the couch.

I turned off all the lights and closed my eyes thinking about tonight. I felt like Tessa wasn't telling me something. The gash that she had on her stomach, couldn't have been caused by a foot or hand. It had to have been caused by an object.

 So before I drifted to sleep my last thought was, What really happened to Tessa tonight?

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