Chapter 10

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- Suga's POV -
It is the next day. I can't get yesterday out of my mind. When I waited at the coffee shop I was getting so nervous. But when she came in it all went away. She looked beautiful and cute at the same time. She was so kind to everyone, she's like an angel. When she came up to me with that beautiful smile my heart started beating like crazy. It was so much fun being with her. Even though she is a fan, she didn't saw me as BTS Suga, she saw me as Min Yoongi. That's what I love the most about her, she doesn't call me Suga either. Just Yoongi. When she says my name I feel so happy, my heart gets so warm and I get all these butterflies in my stomach. I got to know her better. Unfortunately her parents are divorced but she's happy and that's all that matters. I got sad when she told me she will be staying in Korea for just two more weeks. But I didn't show it to her. I didn't want to ruin her beautiful smile. Before we knew it, it was time. I walked her to her hotel and we had a nice conversation. She really cares about me and that made me feel so damn happy. When we were at the hotel I saw that she looked a little down. Even like that she's still cute. I promised her that I would call her when I have time and when we can meet up. She looked so happy, I couldn't help but wanting to hold her and kiss her. But maybe that goes to far for a first date so I gave her a little kiss on her forehead as a goodbye and goodnight kiss. She was so surprised and was bright red. After that she hugged me. I was taken back by her sudden action but it felt so damn good. I wrapped my arms around her in response. It felt so good having her in my arm, so warm, so nice, so perfect. I could smell her parfume again, which made me comfortable in a way. What were only matter of seconds seemed like hours. She broke the hug and said goodbye. It hurts to see her go. She turned around once more and she waved back at me. I just can't get it out of my mind!! Do I like her? Do I love her? Did I fell in love with her?

"YAAAHHH, SUGA STOP SPACING OUT WE'RE PRACTICING OUR CHOREOS" Rap Monster suddenly screamed taking me back to reality.
"Sorry Namjoon, I won't space out again I promise" I apologized. "Aaishh, what's with you these days?" J-Hope asked. Suddenly Taehyung screamed "He's love sick!!". I got bright red. "Yaaah!!! What are you talking about?! You little jerk" I chased after him and he ran away from me laughing. "He's talking about the girl you were staring at at the coffee shop, who also is the one at the fanmeeting where you got pretty close with" Jin suddenly said while smirking. Now everyone looked at me and I tried to hide my red face. Why are they like this? "Did you really think we didn't notice?" Jungkook said. I looked away. "We can see that you like her, you were staring at her the whole time! And ever since that you started spacing out" Rap Monster said, "but please, even though you like her, focus on practicing". I nodd my head and we all went back to practice.
- End of Suga's POV -

"Sooo...." Suza said, "might telling me what happend yesterday?". I looked away shyly. "I readed the note you left behind, I couldn't believe it!! Explain everything to me!!". I sighed "Well at the fanmeeting when he gave me his signature he also left a note with his number" I explained. "OMFG NO WAY!!" She screamed. "So I texted him that night and he asked me on a date at the coffee shop" I continued "We talked about everything and had a lot of fun, before we knew it it was time for me to go.". "Go on, go on~" She said excited. "When we arrived at the hotel we said each other goodnight, he gave me a kiss on my forehead and we hugged each other for a few seconds, after that we both said goodbye and left." I smiled. "OH MY GOD!! HE KISSED YOUR FOREHEAD??!! YOU EVEN HUGGED HIM??!!" She screamed amazed. I laughed hard at her reaction. "YOU ARE SUCH A DAMN LUCKY GIRL Y/N, I WISHED THIS ALL HAPPENED TO ME!!" she still screamed. "Yeah, yeah I know~" I said while smiling "he promised me to keep in contact and when he's free that we can meet up". "DAMN GURL" Suza screamed again. We both laughed.

After a while Suza went away to go grocery shopping for tonights dinner. I decided to stay home and rest a little bit. I wen to the shower and turned it on. I undressed myself and jumped under it as soon as the cold air hitted my body. It was so relaxing and warm. I started to think about yesterday again. There is just no way I could get it out of my mind. He was so sweet, cute and nice. It felt like we knew each other for so long. Well I already knew him for two years but he just knew me for a couple of days, never knowing my excistence before. I started to blush. I really do like him. Not just for BTS Suga, even though I also like him like that. But just as Min Yoongi. It was so nice and fun being with him. He's such a dork. He always makes me smile and laugh. I touched my forehead. I can't believe he actually kissed my forehead. My heart beated like crazy. We even hugged... It felt so good and save being in his arms. I never really liked a guy, never really went out with one either. They were all stupid and just straight out fuckboys. They play with your feelings and hurt you, just for their "needs". That's why I always stayed clear from them. Until I saw him, even though he was on a screen and I never saw him in real. I got attracted to him. Eventually I got fan of BTS and he was my bias since day one. Now I met him in real and he was beyond my expectations. He was the nicest guy I ever met and I felt so comfortable with him. I just really hope he keeps his promise so I can meet him again. I do not have much time left until I need to leave Korea sadly. I turned of the shower and dried myself. I put on some sweatpants and an oversized BTS hoodie. I went to the living room and saw that Suza was already back. "Can you take care of the table? Dinner is almost ready" she said while cooking. "Sure, what are you cooking" I asked curious looking over her shoulder. "Noodles, but trust me they're delicious and will fill your stomach! There is a lot of meat in it" she answered and winked at me. "Alright! Sounds good" I said excited and started getting the table ready. We were both finished at the same time and ate our food. "Waaahh~ this is so damn delicous!" I said amazed. Suza chuckled. "Well thank you, darling. Jungkook will be a lucky men". I laughed "He indeed will!". After eating our food we did the dishes and watched some tv. After 2 hours I got tired and went to bed. Suza wasn't tired yet so she was still watching tv. I was laying on my bed, listening to some music and scrolling through Instagram. Suddenly I got a message, it was Yoongi. I smiled at myself.

"Hi Y/N, yesterday was so much fun!! Today the only thing we did was practicing our choreos, it was so tiring 😩 We even learned a new choreo for our new song so stay alert for that one 😉 I will call you as soon as possible but right now I'm pretty beat 😅 Goodnight 😪 xoxo Yoongi"
WAAHHH~ a new choreo!! A new choreo to learn, I'm so excited!! My heart beated like crazy. He's so damn cute, texting me how his day was and stuff omfg! I quickly texted him back

"OHMYGODDDD 😱😱😱 Can't wait for the new choreo!! I'm gonna learn it for sure 😊 But now just take your rest, you need it! xoxo" I put my phone away but I got a message again. I smiled.

"Well goodluck with that! This one is so hard, Jin has such a hard time with it. But I can teach you if you want sometime? Once I can do it of course..." I chuckled and blushed. Poor Jin. I texted him back.

"Jin Fighting!💪 And omg yes! Sounds fun!! Can't wait, but now rest idiot😜"
I got a text back really fast.

"Hahaha, I told Jin and he said thanks 😂 What's with the idiot tho? You're an idiot 😝 anyways goodnight😪 ( for real now XD )"
I laughed and charged my phone. I put it one the nightstand beside me. I snuckled in my bed.
"Goodnight, Yoongi"



have fun with watching the header *^*
Didn't I chose the perfect moment? Muwhahahaha 😂

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