Chapter 19

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Day of return.

Me and Suza stood infront of the hotel with all our suitcases waiting for our uber. It was 10 am and luckily it wasn't that cold outside. We both woke up around 8 am and got ready to have breakfast at our local coffee shop for the last time. It was sad to say goodbye to everyone since we became really familiar there and they were so nice. Almost family like. But we promised to be back no matter how long it would take. I looked at Suza and saw that she was looking at her phone. "How late it is?" I asked. "10:13" she replied. I sighed. The uber would be here at 10. Suddenly a car came our way and stopped infront of us. "That's our uber I guess" Suza smiled at me. We both grabbed our suitcases and walked towards the car. To our surprise it's the same old man who picked us up at the airport. He gave us a warm smile, "Hello ladies, I'm here again, but this time to bring you to the airport". "Thank you very much", I bowed. He grabbed my suitcases, "Let me put these at the back of the car". I nodded and smiled at him. He also did the same for Suza. We all got in the car and drove to the airport. I looked out of the window enjoying the view of the city for the last time. I looked over at Suza and saw she was texting someone. "Who are you texting?" I asked her curious. "Kookie" She replied with a smile, "they will be there at the same time as us probably". I nodded my head and looked out the window again and sighed. I'm so gonna miss it here.

-time skip to the airport-
We arrived at the airport and got our suitcases out of the car. We paid the old man and gave him a hug as a thank you. "Have a safe trip back" He smiled before driving off. We grabbed our suitcases and went inside the airport. We still had 1 hour left so we decided to grab some expensive airport food and drinks. We sat at a table and started to dig in until we heard a lot of screams. Me and Suza looked confused at each other and turned around to where the screams were coming from. And there they were, our boys. Surrounded by crazy fangirls who are taking pictures of them. They all smiled to them and greeted them. I smiled at the scene infront of me. I searched for Yoongi in the crowd and finally found him. He was already staring at me the whole time and gave me a playful wink when our eyes met. I waved at him and all the boys then noticed us. They all waved back and walked our way. Sadly all the fangirls also came, but I can understand that. Namjoon kindly asked them to give us privacy so they all slowly left.

"Phew, that was crazy!" Jimin eye smiled. They all grabbed a chair and sat down at our table. Of course Yoongi sat down next to me. He placed his hand on my lap which made me look at him. He gave me a warm smile and kissed my lips. I smiled against his lips and rested my head on his shoulder. "Something wrong?" he asked. I shook my head, "No, just really tired. Couldn't really fall alsleep last night and when I did, I would wake up every hour". He wrapped his arms around me and looked at me, "You can sleep now a little bit, we still have 43 minutes left". I looked back at him and shook my head, "No, I can sleep on the plane later. Now I just want to enjoy this". He nodded his head in agreement and we joined the conversation with everyone. "So what are you gonna do when you're home?" Jungkook asked Suza with his hands in hers on her lap. It was so damn cute. "I'm gonna look for a job, not immediately of course" she said proud, "first I'm gonna rest for probably a week and then I will be job hunting". They all nodded their head and then turned around to me, "And you, Y/N?" Taehyung asked. "Me?" I asked while thinking, "I really have no idea. Probably rest to and just help my mom around the house. Maybe I will be job hunting too, we'll see" I smiled. After that we talked about all the things we went through and the memories we made. It was a really nice and fun chat but that soon ended when we heard a voice. "Attention ladies and gentlemen, flight 8 to Y/C will leave in 15 minutes. If you're not on board yet, please do. I repeat flight 8 to Y/C will leave in 15 minutes, thank you".

Me and Suza sadly looked at the boys. "Guess it's time for us to go" she smiled weakly. We all stood up and I grabbed my suitcases together with Suza. We all walked towards the ports of our plane. While walking I hold Yoongi's hand in mine. I held it so thight and I never wanted to let it go. He stroked his thump against my hands which calmed me down a little bit. When we arrived at the port me and Suza turned around facing the boys. I smiled weakly at them, "Guess this was it" I said to them, "thank you all so much for the amazing time you gave us. From the concert to all the times I went over to the dorm. You guys mean so much to me and I'm really glad I got to meet you all. I wish we could stay here longer, to make more memories and have fun. But I promise I will be back as soon as I can, so please wait for me" I bowed deeply infront off them and my voice cracked at the last sentence. Teardrops fell out off my eye onto the ground. I felt someone stroking my back so I looked at the side and saw that it was Yoongi. He nodded his head telling me it was okay to cry. And so I did. I flung my arms around him, holded him so tight and cried in his chest. He hugged me back, stroking my back to calm me down. "I-I really dont wanna leave" I cried in his chest. I looked up to him, "I wanna be with you, it hurts so much to leave you". He kissed my forehead, "It's okay baby, we will face time, skype or whatever it will be every single day" He wipped my tears away, "so smile, it looks way more prettier on you". I couldn't help but smile at his sweetness. "See!! Look at that beauty" He smiled and kissed my lips. "Now close your eyes" he suddenly said. I looked confused at him, "Why?". "Just close them trust me". I closed my eyes, "Alright, they're closed". I heard him walking behind me. Suddenly I felt something cold around my neck and on my chest area. "Alright" he turned me around so I was facing him, "you can open your eyes again". I opened my eyes slowly and looked down. It was a necklace with a heart shaped ring. I took a closer look and saw that a text was engraved in it 'Forever'. I smiled and looked at Yoongi. I saw he also had the same necklace on only then just a normal shape of a ring. "Mine says 'Together' so no matter how many miles you're away from me, we will always be together, forever" he smiled proudly at me. Tears got into my eyes. Why does he gotta be so sweet?! I cupped his face in my hands and gave him a sweet kiss. "Thank you so much, I'll be wearing this everyday". He smiled at me, "I will be too, I promise". Suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder so I turned around. "It's time to get on the plane" Suza said. I nodded my head and looked at everyone, "It's time for us to go". I hugged everyone and wished them the best. "Bye guys!!" I waved at them with the biggest smile I could get. "Bye!! Tell us when you're safe home!!". "We will!!" Suza shouted. We both turned around and walked towards the plane. I looked back one more time. But my eyes widend as soon as I looked. Hoseok was hugging Yoongi who was tearing up a little. It broke my heart to see and I got tears in my eyes. Suddenly Suza grabbed my hand and smiled at me, "Come, let's go". I smiled at her and looked at our hands. That's when I noticed a ring. "Who is that ring from?" I asked her curious. She smiled brightly at me, "Jungkook, now let's go!"

After a lot of hours we finally landed at the airport of our hometown. We got our suitcases and through the doors. As soon as we went through them I saw my mom at the side. I waved at her and as soon as she noticed me she ran up to me. I dropped my suitcases ready for my mom attacking me with her hug. I hold my arms open and she flew into them, "Oh my god my little girl, I missed you so much!!" She cried into my shoulder. I hugged her tight and smiled into her chest, "I missed you to mom". She looked down at me and kissed my forehead. "Welcome home sweetheart, the car is ready so lets go". I grabbed my suitcases again and we all headed towards the car.

-time skip to when you're home-
As soon as I walked into the living room I dropped my suitcases and let myself fall on the couch. My mom laughed at me, "Jetlag?" she asked while laughing. I looked up at her with a smile, "Maybe". "Do you want some hot chocolate" she asked me. "Oh my god yaaasss!!" I screamed excited. To be honest, I really missed my moms famous hot chocolate so I was dying to have it again. I looked around the room and saw she changed some things. Like a new table, curtains and the colour of the wall. "So you thought, now that she is gone I can do whatever I want to this house without her complaining and took your chance, huh?" I joked while walking to the kitchen table. My mom laughed, "I might did" she turned around and placed the hot chocolate infront of me and took a seat infront of me, "you like it?" she asked curious. I took a sip of my hot chocolate and placed it down again, "I actually do". "Soo, who you got that necklace from?" My mom asked me. I laughed mysteriously, which made her curious. "Mom, I have a boyfriend" I said proudly. She almost spitted out her chocolate, "You what?! Who?!". I smiled bright at her, "Min Yoongi from BTS". Her jaw dropped. "You got to be kidding me right?!". "I'm not mom, he is my boyfriend". She smiled at me warmly, "Who could've thought the man of your dreams would actually be yours, huh?". I smiled at my necklace, "Yeahh".

-Meanwhile in Korea-

-Suga's POV-
We all got back to the dorm and I went to my room as soon as I could. I let myself fall on my bed and broke into tears. I cried so hard, so much. I let it all out. After a while I stopped crying and looked at a picture of Y/N hanging on the wall. She didn't knew I had that picture nor that it's hanging on my wall. It was of our first date where she was in the park enjoying her ice cream we bought. She had the most beautiful smile and I swear to god I miss her so much already. I looked at my necklace and smiled at it, "Please be back soon"


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