Chapter 13

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I woke up in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar room. Where the hell am I?! How late is it?! I wanted to get out of bed but I was hold down by a pair of strong arm around me. What the hell!!!! I turned around, slightly scared. My eyes widened. Next to me laid a sleepy Yoongi with me is his embrace. I blushed bright red. Oh my god, no way.. He slowly opened his eyes and looked me right in the eyes. Damn, he looks sexy like this... "Goodmorning, Y/N" he said with his deep morning voice. He kissed my forehead making me blush even more. "G-goodmorning Yoongi" I said shyly. "I love it when you say my name, did you know that?" he said while pulling me closer in his embrace. Ugh, he smells so good, his voice is so sexy right now.. Wait? What am I even thinking?! Get you shit together Y/N!! "Yoongi.." I slowly said. He looked confused at me, "Yes? Is there something wrong?". "D-did something happen last night?". He smirked at me, "Yes, and you were so damn sexy and hot while moaning my name" he whispered in my ear. WHATT???!!! My eyes widened, I was so shocked. Did we like really do it? That can't be right? Suddenly he burst out of laughing, "I'm just kidding" he said while wipping his tears away, "you had to see your face!!" he continued laughing. "You jerk!!!" I said angry and slapped his chest. I quickly got out of his embrace and jumped out of the bed. I rushed to what I believe was the bathroom. And I was right, I locked the door behind me. I heard footsteps coming my way. "Y/N, I'm sorry I just wanted to see your reaction, you looked so shocked and cute at the same time" Yoongi said. I sighed, "It's okay, but I'm going to take a shower though". "Alright, I'm going downstairs to make some breakfast so be quick!!" he shouted and that's when I heard a door closing.

I showered quickly. I put on my clothes from yesterday and did my hair in a bun. I headed downstairs greeted by the smell of pancakes. I walked into the kitchen, "smells good Chef!" I said jokingly. Yoongi turned around and grinned, "He teached me" he said while pointing proudly at Jin who was playing Super Mario Kart. "How long is it going to take before it's done?" I asked. "About 30 minutes, since the boys eat a lot" he answered. I nodded my head and sat beside Jin. He looked at me, "Wanna play to?" he asked. "Sure!" he handed me another controler. We started to play. I was so in it, but of course my car slipped over a banana. "THOSE GODDAMN BANANAS!! GET OUT OF MY WAY!!" I screamed. Jin and Yoongi both bursted out of laughing, but this time I didn't care. I'm almost wining!! I'm first, just one turn and I'm at the finish. Suddenly I got hit by a turtle shell, Jin went by fast and won. "Awh men, I was so close!" I sighed and pouted in defeat. He laughed, "I got to admit, you're good. Maybe next time you're going to win". I smirked at him, "Ha! I'm sure I'll win next time!". "PANCAKES ARE READY!!" Yoongi shouted. I rushed to the dining table together with Jin. I heard a lot of footsteps running down the stairs and a lot of noise. V, Jungkook and JHope rushed to the diningtable. Damn, they are hungry. Followed by a sleep walking Rap Monster and a yawning Jimin. They all took their seat and started to dig in. It was fun eating with them, it was so noisy. V made all this silly and funny faces. I couldn't help but laugh. "Say Y/N, how long are you an ARMY right now?" Jimin asked curiously. Luckily he acted normal again unlike yesterday. "Hmm, good question. Almost 3 years I guess" I answered. "Waaahhh, that's long!" JHope said amazed. I laughed, "Yeah I know". "Thank you for supporting us" Rap Monster said while smiling kindly. "Always" I smiled bright. We all finished eating and I started doing the dishes with Jungkook.

"So Kookie~" I started teasingly, knowing he would get shy. "Why are you so quiet and shy around me? I know how you really are, you walking meme". He laughed and blushed, "I'm always like this with girls, even I don't know why. But it will go away soon I think, I'm getting more comfortable around you, so get ready for the walking meme in real life" he grinned. I chuckled, "By the way, you are really good at dancing and learn the steps so quick!! I was quite surprised to be honest" he said excited. "Hehe~ thank you, it's a honor hearing that from the one and only Jeon Jungkook" I said while bowing jokingly. We both bursted out of laughing. "Yo, what are you guys doing?" Jimin asked while walking towards us. He casually put his arm around my shoulder. I blushed slightly, but continued my task. "Doing the dishes" Jungkook said proudly. "Well that's something, you never do that!!" Jimin said while laughing. He looked at me, "You need to stay with us Y/N, you are good influence for our maknae" He said and with that he walked away. Jungkook and me both finished the dishes and went to the living room.

I sat on the couch beside Yoongi and V. V looked at me with his rectangle smile which I didn't trust. "Tickle time!!" he shouted and started to tickle me. I burst out of laughing, "Ahahaha, stop it Tae!!" I said while still laughing. Yoongi looked at me, "P-please, Yoongi, S-save me" I pleaded. He smirked and suddenly also started tickling me. "Come one guys, t-this is not fair!!" I tried to get out of their grip and I succeeded. I ran away from them, and V followed me. "Come back Y/N!!". "Never!!" I laughed while running upstairs. I got in the first room I saw and locked the door. I sighed, I'm save. I looked around and saw some photo's hanging on the wall. I saw a cute little family with a little kid. That's definately Jimin. Awhh he was so cute. Suddenly the door got unlocked. I turned around in shock. It was Jimin. He laughed, "Why are you in my room?" he asked while walking towards his closet. "Hiding from Tae" I chuckled. Suddenly he took his shirt of and I was greeted by some fine abs. I blushed bright red and covered my eyes, "YAAHH, JERK. DON'T UNDRESS YOURSELF IN FRONT OF A GIRL" I shouted. He smirked and walked towards me. I slowly backed off. Until my back hit the wall. He stood in front of me with his hand next to my head on the wall. He smirked and lifted my chin up, staring into my eyes, "as long as I know you are in my room and I can do what ever I want in my room" he said in a low voice. I gulped and looked away, "W-well that's true, if you excuse me then. I'll leave." I said while trying to get away from him. He chuckled, "Getting shy now?" he said jokingly. I pushed him away from me and quickly went out of the room. What the hell was that?! Just when I thought he was normal, he starts to act like this again!! I grabbed my things out of Yoongi's bedroom and rushed downstairs.

I went to the boys, "Alright guys, I gotta get going. I'm sure Suza my best friend is worried about me" I said to them. They all nodded their head. "I'll walk you to the hotel" Yoongi said while jumping of the couch walking towards me. I smiled at him. "Well let's get going, bye guys!!" I waved at them. "Bye Y/N" they all said. Me and Yoongi got out of the door and walked towards my hotel. "You know, the boys really like you. They are already comfortable with you and that doesn't happen so quickly". I smiled, "I'm glad they like me". "You know, we need to hang out more together with the boys, it's fun" he said. "Sure! Sounds fun" I answered. On our way we saw an ice cream car. "Let's get some ice cream" Yoongi said excited while grabbing my wrist. "Can I help you, young lady and young men?" the woman asked. "Yes one strawberry ice cream and" he looked at me, "and one mint ice cream please" I asked kindly. "Alright, there you go" the lady said while handing us our ice cream. Yoongi paid and we sat at a bench. He putted his arms around my shoulder and slightly took me closer to him. I chuckled at his action and sat as close as I could. We finished our ice cream in silence, but not an awkward one. I looked at him to see if he was also done eating. He looked back at me and smiled, "Shall we go again?" I nodded my head. He took his hand in mine and we walked to the hotel. In front of the hotel I thanked him for everything and hugged him. He gave me a kiss on my forehead "For you always, Y/N" he smiled. "I'll call you tomorrow if I have time okay?" he cupped my head in his hands and kissed me. I was taked back but smiled and kissed him back, "talk to you tomorrow" I smiled and waved him goodbye.

- Suga's POV -
I went back to my dorm. I walked in the livingroom and saw that the boys were out except for Jimin. "Yo, where are the boys" I asked him. "They went out shopping" he answered. "Why didn't you go with them?". He smiled, "didn't really felt like it". I nodded my head. "Jimin, can I talk to you?" I asked him. He looked at me, "sure what's up?". "Well, I saw you smirking at Y/N a few times. And this morning I heard her yell something I didn't liked to hear" I noticed I started to sound angry. He smirked, "Can't help it, she's dropdead gorgeous and sexy". "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" I yelled. He smirked again, "you heard me". I stood in front of him. "Don't you dare to do something to her!". "Why so overprotective hyung~" he asked. "Because I will not let you hurt the person that I fell madly in love with and that I will protect with my life. I will not let you fucking play her like you did WITH ALL THOSE STUPID GIRLS!!!" I yelled at him. He stood up. We were just inches away, and once again he smirked. "Goodluck with that"


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