Chapter 3: Why Can't I Live Here?

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(A/N: Aaron's House on top.)

Aiden's POV

After driving for a couple of minutes we arrived in front of two tall black gates. A large stone plaque read 60 Bridle Path.

Wait a second how did I not notice that we were driving onto one of the most expensive streets in Toronto.

The Bridlepath is an area full of multimillion-dollar mansions, whenever our family could we would drive around the neighborhood and look at all the expensive houses. In fact, I actually remember Aaron's house, it was one of my favourites until I found out it belonged to him, just now.

I so badly want to gush over his beautiful house but I think I will cry so I will not compliment his house at all.

Once the gates opened we drove down the elegant coble stone path, circling around their beautiful triple tier fountain, and stopped right in front of the huge front doors.

"-ey, get out of your daydream and step out of the car." Aaron said annoyingly.

"Fine." I mumbled.

I stepped out of his car and stood in front of his house expectantly. Why am I so nervous!? Oh, I know. Because this house is oozing money.

Aaron walked up to his house still holding his car keys in one swift move he turned his key chain to reveal another key, putting it in and turning it to unlock the front doors. He opened one of the doors to hear music blaring through the house as Beyoncé's Greenlight played.

I was pleasantly surprised at the song choice but completely surprised by the fact that I didn't hear any music before the door opened.

"Mom!" Aaron hollered. "I'm home!"

A girl who I recognized as Aaron's little sister Meaghan appeared.

"Hey, Aiden." She greeted.

"Hey, Meaghan." I replied cheerfully.

Meaghan and I have talked a few times in the past. She likes me and I like her (not romantically of course) we have a mutual understanding and get along well together.

"Wait how do you two know each other?" Aaron asked confused as he looked between us for an answer.

"We talk." I replied with a shrug.

"Yeah it's no big deal, the thing that is surprising is how You Two know each other?" She asked clearly suspicious.

"Umm....well....we.." Aaron stalled.

Why was he stalling? We were partners for a project, what else was there to say.

"We are partners for a project," I responded for him. "Do you guys have any more siblings?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, actually we have an older sister and two younger siblings, a boy and a girl they're twins!" Meaghan answered excitedly about my interest in their family.

"Cool when can I meet them?" I asked genuinely interested.

"Right now if you want?" Meaghan asked obviously hoping that I would say yes.


"No! You can meet them later when we eat dinner." Aaron answered for me.

"Bu-" I started.

Before I could get a word out Aaron was dragging me towards their staircases. Yes, staircases. And no they go the same way they just have two because they needed space in the middle of the staircases for their elevator.

"Talk to you later." Meaghan yelled after me.

God how I wanted to live here. I would ask Meaghan another day if I could sleep over, I am sure they have several guest bedrooms.

After dragging me up the stairs Aaron lead me down a long but wide hallway. After passing three big doors which I assumed were other bedrooms we stopped at what I am guessing is Aaron's bedroom.

It actually looked pretty normal if you ignored the fact that his bed could fit four people sprawled out in the Starfish position. Also the fact that his bedroom was the size of my living room. Along with the fact that he had a huge walk-in closet and a connecting bathroom which I assume is just as big. This guy was ridiculous.

"So what do we do first?" Aaron asked sitting down on a chair in his bedroom.

I bristled, feeling my irritation rising for no reason.

"What do you mean 'what do we do first?'" I now asked obviously annoyed.

"Well, you are the one in charge of the project so you should know." He responded with a 'well duh' tone.

"No, we should both know. This a partnership." I argued.

"Fine, what should we do 'Partner'?" Aaron replied with sarcasm filling his reply.

I rolled my eyes but told him anyway.


We worked on the project for about two hours before we decided that we should stop there for today.

"OK, I'm going to use the bathroom you can just relax for a while right?" Aaron asked as he got up looking at me.

"No, I am completely incapable of doing nothing." I responded bitterly sarcasm dripping off my tongue.

"OK, then Mr. Sarcasm I'll be going then."

Aaron walked into his bathroom closing the door behind him.

OK time to snoop.

Alright, I know what you're thinking. Why the hell are you trying to go around and snoop through his stuff? Look I am a very rational person but when it comes to sneaking around someone's room and finding some juicy details about them I just can not resist.

I quietly got off of the floor and tiptoed around his room looking for nothing in particular until I came across a doorknob that I never paid attention to before.

Hmm, I wonder what's behind this door. And I know it could just be a closet but I really don't think that it is.

I turned the doorknob to see that it was locked. Just my luck. I turned around and started to look for a key. Scanning the room I tried to think of a place that someone would hide a key.

The bed! I quickly went to the bed as quietly as I could and started searching the bed. I finally found it under the mattress. I quickly went to the door and put the key in turning it and opened the door.



🎆 YAY Third Chapter!🎆

Sorry, you guys but if I tell you what was behind the door then I would have to write a lot more so I will end this here.

Vote, Comment, Share, all that stuff and see you next Chapter👋👋👋👋

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