Chapter 11: Let's Give Him A Show

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*Took me 20 minutes to get rid if the cringy photos that were here so please appreciate not seeing random girl's bikinis.

Aiden's POV

After breakfast, we all decided that we wanted to go swimming today. We first thought of going to the beach but most of us were too lazy to walk all the way there so we opted for the pool.

We all met up in my parents' room again but before than me, Ethan, and Meaghan met up in my room to discuss how we were going to seduce Aaron.

Of course, the plan ended up being really stupid.

I still decided to try it for the fun of it and Meaghan and Ethan were way more excited with the idea that I would try to act sexy than the idea that we were going swimming in a four-star resort's pool.

"Ok, everyone get into the cars and we'll go." My father half yelled getting everyone to file out getting into the cars and driving back to the main hotel to go in and enjoy the pool.


"Oh my god! The pool is huge!" Jasmine exclaimed once we got into the staircase to the changing room where you could clearly see the pool and everyone in it.

"Yeah, I love this pool." Mason sighed looking at the pool.

"Wait until you get in that hot tub." I told them remembering the last time I was in it.

"Wow Aiden, going straight to the hot tub hunh." Meaghan said in a teasing manner. "You know that there are kids here right?"

"Meaghan!" I yelled a little embarrassed.

"What I wasn't implying anything." She said feigning innocence.

I didn't see who but a few of our friends snickered and I just rolled my eyes.


"Ahh I love the water." I mumbled as I floated around the pool waiting for everyone else to come.

I and Mason were out first. My parents don't swim so they were already there talking and relaxing.

"POOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!" Jasmine yelled running towards the pool before cannonballing into the pool causing a big splash.

After her stunt, she swam out of the pool to jump in again before Mason stopped her asking to talk and with that they went to sit at the table my parents were sitting at.

Once I got a good look I took in her swimsuit. It was nice it suited her skin so with that I left that train of thought to see that Meaghan and Ethan came next Meaghan taking in the area and Ethan jumping straight into the pool.

Meaghan jumped into the pool swimming over to where I and Ethan now were at an end of the pool where we wouldn't be affected by the splashes when the rest of our friends came.

"So you know what to do right?" Meaghan asked.

"Yeah, I just don't know how." I confessed.

"Don't worry I can show you." Ethan said swimming away towards the middle of the pool. 

Ethan positioned himself in the middle of the pool about to start.

By this time Scarlett, Courtney, and Rachel were already here.

I looked over to see that Mason Jasmine and Mark were swimming at another end of the pool.

Hmm, I didn't even notice that Mark got here.

"You guys ready for a show?" Ethan asked right when Chris and Aaron came.

Oh God

How did I not notice this!?

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