The start of it all.

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The sun has set, and the night's darkness has taken over the once blue clear sky. The air was now cold and my room was dark. The only light coming from my tv that was playing. I lay in my bed, a thin blanket covering me, as I am only in black shorts and a red soccer t-shirt two sizes too big for me. My whole body feels weak, I sit there staring at the white plastered ceiling blankly. Trying to hold back my tears. Everything seems so different. I don't know why. It started in the beginning of the summer I remember. I was so happy in 7th grade and here I am now. Its summer and I am hating myself and I don't know why. The darkness overcomes me for the first time, I hear my sister and parents downstairs. I hear my name being said. I frowned and paused the show I was watching on Netflix. I can't hear what they say exactly but I can make out some words. My sister, Lexi she is fighting with our parents they are yelling, I hear my name being said. Saying that I don't do this or that I do something wrong and never get in trouble. I can't help it any more tears start to form. My voice comes out barely above a whisper.
"W-why are y-you bringing me into this. I I did nothing" I listen to their conversation about me. Tears fall as I play my TV hearing it go silent downstairs. I roll to my side and hide my face into the pillow more tears fall. My breath starts picking up as I keep crying, and for the first time I hear them, the voices. "Stop crying you're pathetic, you should know by now you were just a mistake. You know you are almost always brought up in the fights, they hate you. Even they have said you needed to change who you are or you're not going to make it anywhere in life. How does that feel? Oh look you're crying more. Well stop it, it's getting annoying. They are coming. Be quiet or else~." I hear my family come upstairs and go into their separate rooms and close their door. Tears had stopped falling, my eyes were red and puffy. My breathing ragged. The voices, they had started again. "Good girl you have stopped crying. You are so weak, no wonder why no one likes you. You cry over everything. You should just runaway. Come on you know you want to. You would get away from your family and wouldn't have them judge you. It would be just you and me. It would be perfect."

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