I am sorry

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I am sorry about everything, I get that this is all my fault. I am sorry, I ruined our relationship yet again. Its all my fault I know that, everything is my fault. I am so sorry for everything. I really am. You don't get how much I am sorry for everything. I hate myself for all of this, as this is all my fault. I am the one that broke us up in the first place and now yet again it might happen again. Why? Because of me. This is all my fault, I know that. I know that everything is my fault. I am sorry for everything, love. I really am. I hate myself, every part of me I do. You don't get it. You don't get how much I want to die, because I have been the whole reason for this. I have been making you depressed lately and I was being an idiot. I am so sorry Adriana, I really am. I ruined everything, I know that. Its just all my fault. I I wanted to say sorry for everything. If one day, you get a call about me being gone, or something happening to me. Don't worry about it, just keep living and have a better life without me, love. I know you will, just keep living and forget about me like everyone else does. It will be better. I wanted to say sorry, for everything. For the phone call you might get. I wanted to say sorry mostly for being a horrible friend and girlfriend..you could have done so much better.

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