Chapter 8 (Edited)

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A/N: Going to write 18 chapters so ya. Sorry about the late updates.


"Why don't we get you all settled in," Uncle Ry said, stopping a fight from happening between Garrett and I. "And, I think that Cala will want to see these... tattoos and piercing."

"Wait, you have a piercing and tattoos?" Tommy asked, coming over to us.

My friends stiffened when he came over to us, and Garrett pulled me to his side. All of them had glares on their faces, causing me to growl a small warning. They backed up a bit, while Tommy glared at me and then at the arm that was around me.

"Yes," I replied. "And six new best friends, seeing as my best friend wanted fame and fortune than a true friend."

Guilt and hurt flashed through his eyes before his jaw set and a mask appeared on his face. "Well, I hope that they know that you are a slut," he all but growled. "I mean, there are five guys and just one girl."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't think that my mate has felt pain in the under region, like I had," I replied, causing him to stare me at in shock and looking a bit guilty. "And, the guys are like my brothers that I didn't have. I mean, the one that I counted on turned against me because I have not shifted."

"Which is why you aren't the Gamma," one of the members of my old pack said, earning a deadly growl from the seven of us. "I mean, I am sure that you can't fight." There was a bit of fear in their voice because we were all glaring at them.

"Bitch can fight," Garrett said, rubbing his jaw grimacing. He flashed me a glare, but I knew that he was only teasing. "My jaw still hurts from yesterday."

"Well, you shouldn't have tried to grab my butt," I shot back. I glared up at him, causing him to grin innocently.

"What, like-" He didn't get far with his sentence before he was on the ground, my foot on his throat. A groan escaped his lip and all he did was glare at up at me.

"Now, what are your friends names?" Uncle Ry said. "And, even though you are the Gamma, and it has been two years..." He grimaced and sent me an apologetic look.

I shrugged, knowing that he meant that I was still "grounded". "It's fine," I said. "Will I be able to have my friends over to keep me company?" I grinned when he nodded. "Ok, so as you know Jack is the Alpha, and Kirk is the Beta." I gestured to them before pointing at Garrett who was struggling to get out from underneath my foot. "That is Garrett." I gestured to Celeste and Barker. "They are Celeste and Barker. Barker is twins with Kirk." I gestured towards the Warrior looking dude with a bald head, who made up the last person of our group. "That is Toby. He used to be the Gamma, but some things had happened..." I shrugged my shoulder and grimaced, guilt showing on my face.

"Nice to meet you all," Uncle Ry said. He glanced at my feet, smirking to see the struggling Garrett cussing and not being able to breathe. "Sam, let him up. We have a surprise for you."

I huffed and moved my foot from his throat. I helped him stand, getting a punch in the shoulder in return. "I don't like surprise, remember?" I grumbled, narrowing my eyes at Garrett, who instantly backed away.

"Should've thought about that when you got tattoos and a piercing," Aunt Cala said, glaring at me. "But come on I want to show you." She was jumping up and down, excited, and I couldn't help but feel nervous because of her sudden mood change.

"Well, I guess you have to show me then..." I mumbled, hoping that it wasn't anything bad.


Heh, I had no idea it was that short. Ummm... next chapter will be longer. Probably.

What is the surprise? 

Accept Me or Reject Me. You Can't Do Both. (First book) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now