Extra #2- She's My Mate- Thomas POV

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(Age 16- Meeting his mate)

I stood in front of my pack, a proudly shifted member. My black ears swiveled on my head, listening to what my father had to say. All I wanted to do was go find Sam and see if she had shifted into her wolf form. A part of me knew that she wouldn't be able to tell me which sucked.

I was worried for her, knowing that someone, or something, would want her because she was a White Wolf. My whole body was tense because I knew that she was alone and away from everyone. This made her more in danger than out of it because she didn't know how to fight that- well, at all.

"Thomas," my father said, sternly, causing me to look up at him. Amusement flickered in his eyes while he had a scowl on his face. "Pay attention. You will have to be saying the same thing when it is your time to take over the pack."

'Sorry, Dad,' I said, giving him an apologetic look. I made sure that my link was blocked from the others of my pack, not wanting them to know that I was worried about Sam. It was my job to protect her, and that means against the pack as well. 'I'm just worried about Sam, is all.'

Dad glanced at me before looking out into the woods. A frown flickered onto his face, and I knew that he was worried to while he turned to look at me. 'Go find her,' he said. 'It shouldn't have taken her this long.' "Everyone is dismissed," he called out.

I didn't wait to be congratulated by the pack members, like most of the newly shifted Wolves. I didn't care about them, even though I was to look after them when I became Alpha. They had hurt my best friend, my crush, and I wasn't ok with that.

'Follow the scent,' my Wolf, Kyran, said while we were running. He wagged his tail, and I could imagine him bouncing up and down with excitement. 'I think the scent is our mate.'

I followed his advice and followed the smell of lemons and rosemary. I was excited that I didn't have to wait to find my mate and all ready had a feeling of whom it would be. Hopefully she had shifted, so I can teach her how to protect herself, I thought, frowning. Dad had promised.

I crashed through a bush to see a girl pulling on her shirt. I frowned when the girl turned to look at me and shake, not knowing why she was shaking. I didn't know who this girl was, but I could tell that it couldn't be Sam. She was to... perfect.

"W-wh-ho a-a-r-re y-you?" she asked, stuttering. Her whole body was tense, and I could tell that she was in flight or fight mode.

'Mate,' Kyran purred while I shifted into my human form.

"T-T-Tommy," she stuttered, letting me know that it was Sam. She backed up when she saw the look of happiness in my eyes turn to that of disgust while I looked her up and down. This couldn't be Sam. She was too tall to be my Sam and didn't look as beautiful as she did back before she shifted, I think.

"Sam," I said, my voice a bit husky and filled with a bit of disgust. I took a step towards her and frowned when she took a step away. "Did you shift?" I couldn't help but feel a bit hurt that she took a step away from me. Did she not want me as her mate?

Her face turned red while she looked down. I knew that she was hiding something by the fact that she didn't look up at me. "I-I-" she stuttered. She didn't answer but turned around and ran away from me.

I didn't follow her but stared at the way she left. Regret and fear filled my body because I knew that she wasn't going to like what I had to do.

If she didn't shift, even though I knew that she did, then the pack would eat her alive. And, it was my job to make sure that they didn't. Even if it meant losing my mate in the process.  

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