My Life

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My life was starting to look great. I have been here for nine years, and things just keep getting better. My kids are growing to be strong and healthy, and I think I am a very good mom.

If Asphero were still himself I think he would be very proud of me. It's a shame that he turned to lust, and to thinking that women were like items in a shop; you can buy them, return them, and replace them whenever you want. My heart still breaks when I see him, but Lendich is always there to comfort me.

If my parents were here, they would be happy that I grew up the way I did, even if I did have to change my ways to be safe. I can still remember how my parents supported me so much. When I first started showing signs of

If Sandrayik was still here, he would be pretty jealous that I'm with Lendich. But if he was here, would I be with Lendich, or with him? This was a question that came across my mind many times, but I know I have to disregard it. I think about him a lot, but I can't let him be my centre of attention, and I shouldn't think of all the what ifs. It's bad for people. That's how they become ruined and frail, which I promised myself I never will be.

Putting all the 'ifs' aside, my children are very strong and happy.

Askurus is now 12, and he the girls his age are already crowding around him. He's not like Asphero, though; we brought him up with decency and respect for all things. Or at least we tried to. He's soon going to be a teenager, and Lendich and I already decided on who would take care of him during his rants and 'I HATE YOU's. I won the toss. Lendich owes me ice cream.

Minkin, the middle child, is very shy. He likes reading about anything and everything, as long as it was written good. He didn't care about the genre, or if the stuff he was reading was true or not. He had one friend who liked reading, too, and they were inseparable.

Henter likes to adventure, but we have had to hold her back a few times. Trying to go into the interesting places. I tell her not to go in there, and she always asks why. I want to tell her that she shouldn't go past our restrictions because there is nothing much to see, but then more questions would emerge from her brain onto the mouth and into the world for everyone to hear. Right now I just tell her about the soldiers, and that she'll be grounded, and that pretty much helps out.

I looked out the window on the ship, my mind drifting into the 'ifs' again. Lendich came and put his arm around my waist, making me forget my previous thoughts. The 'ifs' had faded out, but the reasoning behind why I was thinking of the what-ifs made me question myself. There was no reason to think about it, yet I felt as though I needed to. This is what I came up with:

When you start thinking about all that you shouldn't know but do, it becomes that much harder to live as though everything was okay and that you were flying high. I couldn't do that to my family. I can't.

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