Chapter 5

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I'm a sceptic, don't ask me why, because in reality, I just don't care. I'm just refusing to believe the truth that is right in front of me. Why you ask?, well because there are about 7 floating staffs in front of me 3 feet in mid air, tell me if you wouldn't be freaking out right now, but whatever the case I tried to act natural.

I passed my hand beneath them and when I barely touched one, it created sparks and it burned my hand, "Ouch, why did it do that?" I heard Robert chuckling behind me leaning on a table, Mr. Iron walked by me and simply stated "You are a non believer. Staffs have a mind of they're own and they choose who can be their Master, it appears by the look of them, they all despise you... Weird I have never seen someone who is better suited for a staff is hated by all the staffs in this here place hahahaha". I felt my face go red, but I didn't care.

I kept walking around the Store, browsing through a set of spears when I heard some whispers, I looked behind me quickly thinking it was the voice that knocked me unconscious a few days ago. I braced myself, when I turned around, on the far wall of the store a set of Axes on the left, Daggers and bows on the right and on the center Swords, but what's weird is that the whispers came from them but I couldn't pin point they're location, I need to get closer.
I walked over to the wall, the whispers getting louder, talking a different language, like singing a soothing melody per se... I set my eyes on one Bow on the top, it looked to be a normal Bow, Dark green wood, carved with black lines like vines around it, but when I went to grab it the voices grew louder, it started to talk to me in a melody. I felt my head swirl around, too many thoughts going around my head. It felt as if I was flying over a sea of trees with the smell of pine trees and berries, I closed my eyes tightly and concentrated on my own self and it stopped. A sweat rolling down my neck.
I grabbed the bow and it grew quiet, no sound, nothing. But I knew this bow had something special, I felt the urge to hear those words again, its melody going through my mind. I picked it up and walked over to Robert "I'll take this one, but I want a sword also, give me a sec", I was afraid Robert was going to go crazy with its words but he just grabbed it and moved it next to the table of goods. I went back towards the wall merely browsing, for a reason my mind kept humming that melody. With the corner of my eyes I saw a faint Blue light hovering on the wall, when I looked over, it disappeared.

Travis was standing in front of that wall checking the edge of an axe. I slowly walked over looking at the wall, not looking at anywhere else to see if the light would appear, but the light was just gone. I walked back to the racks of swords when I saw it again with the corner of my eyes, I quickly looked over to the wall, nothing...

I know there is something behind there, its giving me a weird feeling in my gut. I walked to Travis and with a calm face "Excuse me Travis, but could I see what you are hiding behind this wall?" I said the whole sentence looking straight at his eyes. His eyes opened wide, he tried to speak but no words would come out. He started walking backwards and then stopped, "O-Only 1 person knows about that,... Who are You... Are you a spy sent by the kings brother?" He grabbed his axe and slowly walked towards me, shifting his axe from hand to hand, I started freaking out and called Robert. He didn't answer, I called him again, no answer. I looked over and he was frozen in the spot not moving one inch, "look I don't know what you are talking about. I apologize if I offended you in any way Mr.Travis, it was not my intention." my sweat rolling down my neck, it felt like a western showdown, the only difference was that I didn't have any thing to defense myself. He kept his eyes on me and I knew what my answer was for whatever he will ask me will determine the outcome of this standoff, "How do you know about a blue light behind the wall?" He asked me slowly. I knew now I couldn't lie so I went ahead and told him "When I was browsing through the swords, I kept seeing a blue light behind you and I felt drawn to it". There I said it, I hope he doesn't cut my head off.
"Tell me one more thing boy, if you had to choose between a loved one or millions of lives... What would you-" I answered before he finished, "I would save everyone, no questions asked." I felt a sense of duty... Walking through the town earlier, I felt their happiness, love for their families and joy of being together with other people. Those smiles for some reason, I felt that it was my duty to protect them no matter what.
I kept my eyes fixed on him, showing my resolve.

"Hahahahah yer just like your father, I guess you passed the test", He kept laughing and looking towards Robert. Why is he looking at Robert and why is he laughing?, a second ago he looked like he wanted to kill me. "Sorry Master Alex, it was not my intention to act like that. I knew you would see the light, as you can use staffs, you will soon know that magic can be used in many ways, but that's not my place to teach, for I am just a dwarven smith and a good one at that eh?". I tried to speak, but nothing would come out, I looked at Robert and he was laughing on the back table still drinking like normal, "yer should've seen yer face mate, it looked like you got hit in yer shackles with a cannon hahahaha!" My face went red, I stomped back toward the swords, not really looking for anything, just trying to calm down before I grab a sword and go berserk. "Sigh, don't take it bad Alex, how would you have known that we were testing yer will and ideals... To tell ye the truth, I didn't want to do this, but master Williams wanted me to find out something".
I turned around to see Robert behind me ashamed of himself, "You mean Mr Williams?, what do you mean he was trying to find something out?".
I felt confused to why they would do such a thing to me, I'm not even from here. Every time I try to remember where I'm from, I start getting headaches and my stomach swirls like a whirlpool inside of me. I look 21 years old, I can't even understand how that happened at all... Nothing makes sense to me anymore. "Then would you like me to help you?" A voice said next to me. I turned around looking for it and next to Travis were the wall with the light was, a door appeared and from within came out Williams with a staff in hand smiling, how does he know what I was thinking "I cannot read your mind, but your face says it all. What you saw was this Gem on top of the staff, I needed to know if you could use magic and it appears you are a natural. The only way for you to see this light behind the wall, was if you concentrated the magic within yourself in your eyes and saw the magic of my staff, but you Alexander... You sensed it first and then you saw it.... without it draining your magic or anything. You are a natural, just like me." I felt a connection between me and William. It was as if two currents in the ocean became one. I knew what he was thinking, feeling, hearing and most of all... "I understand... It didn't make sense at first, but Your name is not William, you are not even human.. You are-".

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