Chapter 8

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  As I got up from the bed, I felt a tugging sensation on the bottom part of the bed. Right below on one of the legs was Star the Red Fox that appears and disappears faster than the eye can see.
She was gracefully chewing the corner of the bed sheet mumbling with her mouth full of cotton. I ignored it, put on my boots and stomped my feet to the wooden floor. Then I walked to the water jar next to the kitchen. As I splashed the glazier water in my face, I felt a tingling sensation around my whole body, I wiped my face off with a towel and looked at the mirror, I stood there knowing that today will be the first day I would travel on to this unknown lands, but there is no excuse. I need answers. The first thing to do is go meet these Elders Serta mentioned before... Maybe they will have an answer for me.
Behind me came Robert, He walked right beside me and splashed water on his face, "argh that water be cold as ever, I prefer a cold drink than a cold shower, eh mate?" Robert said while wiping his face and brushing his beard. I took a moment and laughed, it was the first time in a week that I actually felt normal, but such things are not easy to come by. I went straight to the bed and sat down, I looked at the far right were Serta was sleeping but something seemed off, when I walked over there there was a small lump on the bed growling, I uncovered the bed and  there was Star playing with a plastic ball, I sat down and went to touch her, as my hand got close to her, I felt some kind of pressure with my right hand, then the fox stopped playing with the ball and gently placed her head on my hand, there was a sudden spark... Nothing happened. Then suddenly her star on her forehead starded shining more than ever and she changed from a small fox to the size of an average dog with 2 tails.
I was shocked and backed away, but She jumped off the bed and got close to me brushing herself on my legs like a cat, "I knew you were the one" she mentioned towards me.
I was afraid if I touched her again something might happen. From the kitchen came Robert smiling from ear to ear "Oi  mate, now that was impressive, not many magical animals do that and to finally see it with me own eyes is a spectacular show" Robert said looking at Star walk around my legs and lay next to me licking her paw. I tried not to freak out "How can you be calm about this?!", it was like I knew that it was bound to happen, but at the same time I didn't. I felt scared, I felt happy and very hungry for some reason.

"You're hungry ain't ya?" I was shocked by Roberts question and I just nodded slowly and he tossed me some bread and cheese, "Ya see kid, when I see someone use magic or share they're magic like you did with Star here, You tend to get tired and hungry but it appears you are only hungry. What I still can't shake, is that the moment you touched her, your right hand turned blue...  That could mean that-" the creaking of a door opening behind us, In came Serta with a bag in each hand.

"I got all the food and emergency supplies we will need to travel" said Serta putting down the bags and taking out his crystal and speaking to it softly, the Supplies went "whoosh" gone, I'm still trying to figure out how that works but I will let it be... For now. As he walked towards me he winked at me and talked to Robert about some healing herbs that he could put on his green house?. I walked up to them "What do you mean green house?" I looked at Serta and Robert, they both laughed. "Ok Alex I believe its time I explain how the Crystal work, Each crystal has a different classes:
1st class
2nd class
3rd class
4th class
5th class
6th class but its just a myth,

Each one is based on color, from first to first to fifth class it goes:

Sometimes you can find an legendary Black crystal which is imbedded in a ring which then the ring becomes a Dimensional Ring and so every class has different environment, for example, mine is purple which is the 4th class, its got a lot of space and being the 4th class I can store plants, Water, large amount of treasure and last but not least a place for your private stuff." I understood what he meant, but I had lots of questions, "What if someone steals your crystal, can they open it and steal your things?", I asked him and behind was laughing Robert out loud, "I told ye he was no ordinary kid".
Serta took a deep breath and smiled softly, "Only your Aura(magic) can open it, there are indeed bad people who will try to steal the crystals and if they get you with it, they will torture you until you give it to them. Most times the ones who do that are thieves and bandits... But on our way to the Elders there won't be any since its a secured road". I felt a bit better that I understood what it meant and how the crystal works, I had one more question, "Ok that explains everything... Now I have one more question, How will I defend myself?, after what happened at the Blacksmith I didn't pick a weapon for me". Serta walked towards me and said "Alex what did you feel when you saw me at the blacksmith?". I remembered it clear as day, I saw him and I felt a strong pressure enter  mind and something inside me exploded with images of a place in Green, a village and that thing that keeps appearing and making me freeze... I looked up to him "I still don't know how I will defend myself.." I said feeling defenseless and weak, but from behind came Robert, "I don't think ye will be that bad, on our way to the Council of elders is a one month trip to the north, on the way I will teach you personally all I know and what I have learned from other masters and teachers from my time, just remember That I will give no quarter mate even if we are friends now". Roberts tone sounded scary and silent, but he smiled and patted my back so hard I almost fell face first in to the floor, I smiled and felt a sense of emotion, as excitement took over I knew that it was time to learn and remember who I really am on the road to the Elders.

As Robert and Serta continued talking to each other about items and emergency equipment, someone knocked on the door, Robert and Serta didn't stopped talking so I walked over, I opened the door and there was standing a small man with a dark cloak. I backed away quickly and Star quickly ran next to me in a position to attack, "Oy mate, is that any way to treat an old man like me'self." I knew that voice and then it hit me, "Mr.Iron?!", I said happily "Iron Hammer at your service". He said with a bow and took off the cloak smiling and walking inside "Oi old farts, the horses be ready outside, what is taking so long?". I smiled and then it dawn on me... "Wait your coming with us Mr.Iron?" I said with a huge smile, "ofcourse mate, it be my business that I travel with these old guys to keep em out of trouble, savy?" I felt something inside me growing when he said that but I disregard the feeling and walked towards my bag of food things and grabbed my crystal from the bed, as they talked, Iron explained how I can use the crystal, so I grabbed my white crystal and said softly my secret password and then directed my bags and poof they were gone, all I had to do was call for them and I will have it back.

As I walked to the door Iron stopped and looked beside me... "Hey is that Star?! Its finally become a level 2 Red Demon Fox, who awakened it?!" Iron sounded excited and both Robert and Sera looked at me, Iron looked from Star then back at me, "Only those chosen by this mystical creature and have a long relationship can unlock they're potential, for how long have you know her?!" I didn't know why he was so excited and he kept asking questions about how I did it, I simply said "I pet her head and her star started to glow and then she grew, afterwards I felt tired and hungry... Wait a minute Serta, why are you so composed and not acting like Iron?" Serta kept transferring his things to his crystal and without looking he said "I already knew you and Star were compatible and it was about time this happened, but don't worry, for I watched from the outside hahaha" he finished packing and walked past by me to the outside and right behind him followed Robert grabbing on his way out Iron by his shoulder talking about some scarvy girl he met yesterday at the bar. I stood there alone with Star thinking "what is happening... So much things... I'll just lay low and learn on my way to the north, hopefully I will learn from these guys, huh Star?" I said while petting Star and walking towards the door, as I walked outside the sun was barely waking up and the outside had a creepy purple hue, mist covered the fields and the town was unusually quiet. As I walked down the steps, on the right side was 2 horses and a wagon with two horses rained in, Robert and Serta got on they're own horses and I noticed how Serta kept speaking to his horse and the horse apparently understood him.
Iron called me over to sit next to him on the wagon, I ran over towards him with Star following me on my side, she jumped inside the wagon and I got next to Iron and then he screamed "Aye!! Let this day shine upon our voyage, as we venture to the land of the north, we ask that you protect us from harm and disperse any evil that has bad intent, We serve!" All three were saying the verse loud and at the end they made a fist and placed it across they're chest, "Off we go hahahahahahaha!!" The sun rose slowly and shined upon the road as to welcome our prayer and to start the day straight to our goal.

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