5. Destructo

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He was dressed in a black leather hoodie, the hood pulled up and keeping half his face in shadow, so I could only see his jawline. There was a white shirt underneath, along with black denim jeans.

He also had Donovan's outstretched hand in a steel grip by the wrist.

Donovan raised his voice, sudden and loud. "Who the hell are you?"

I couldn't help it, I flinched.

"Who are you?" the gruff voice demanded. "Answer me! Who the hell are you?"

The little girl sobbed, her tears running freely down her cheeks. She managed to choke out,

"I'm a girl."

"That's right," her father hissed. "So learn your place."

He seemed to see my flinch, and for a moment his jaw clenched. Then he looked away slightly in Donovan's direction, and pushed down his hoodie.


He was hot. Damn he was the epitome of hot. If he was a demigod his parents were undoubtedly Aphrodite and Narcissus. He was wearing Malfoy's intense stare, had Damon Salvatore's jaw and Loki's build.

His blue eyes were piercing beneath his head of black hair as he looked over at Donovan, whose eyes grew wide immediately. His arm went slack and he actually took a step back.

"Whoa. Kaylan. Dude, sorry. I didn't know it was you."

Kaylan. Mmmm.

"Well now you do." Hot damn. He had Jude Law's voice! More precisely, he had Jude Law's voice as in Pitch Black from Rise of The Guardians.

Hot demigod let go of the hand. Donovan massaged his wrist and spoke. "Why you here dude? Don't you have class?"

Somebody chuckled. "It's Kaylan Hood. Since when does he go to class?" Several people laughed at that, but one lancing sweep of those blue eyes cut them down.

"Why did you ask her to take off her shirt?" he asked. Was he actually - angry? On my behalf?


"Uh, it was just a game. We had a competition, and....." he trailed off, but continued grumpily, "...she won so, she got the jersey. So I have to get a shirt. I can't walk around shirtless the whole day now can I?"

"You got beaten by a girl?" he smirked. "You're terrible."

I snapped out of my dreamy haze immediately. Excuse me? What did that mean? Were girls not allowed to be better? Was it such a shame being bested by a girl?

Great. A sexist hot demigod. Perfect.

Kaylan took off his leather jacket.

And then the shirt underneath.

I was right beside him and couldn't avert my eyes fast enough. He was all lean and no fat, with sun-kissed skin and chiselled abs, muscular in a sinewy way, unlike those bulky body builders.

Cancel that. A sexist hot demigod with Adonis' body. Somebody call Rick Riordan because Kaylan needs a cameo in his books.

He tossed Donovan his shirt. "You can wear that. Return it to me tomorrow - and I want it dry-cleaned."

It was an order, a demand. I expected Donovan to throw a hissy fit, but instead he only nodded and wore the shirt. Kaylan put on the leather jacket and kept it unzipped. The bell rang then, and PE was over. The teacher came in at the same moment and clapped his hands, calling for everyone to go back to class. I watched as my classmates filed away.

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