10. Caradhras

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I reacted immediately, jerking away from the voice. Unfortunately I forgot that my left hand was busy stirring the bubbling solution with a glass rod, and as I moved the beaker got knocked off the tripod stand - I know what's a tripod stand! - hit the table and rolled over to the floor, crashing into a dozen pieces.

But I was unharmed. The hot liquid didn't splatter onto my skin nor my clothes, simply because the second the beaker had fallen over, a pair of strong arms had gripped my shoulders and pulled me back. Straight to his chest.

His warm breath tickled my ear. "You're a clumsy one, aren't you?" he murmured.

"And you're a crazy stalker, aren't you?" I shot back, exasperated. I heard his quiet chuckle.

"What's going on here?" Mrs Smith, my Chemistry teacher pushed through the gaping audience. She crossed her arms and her eyes narrowed.

"Mr Hood. I should have known you had some part in this. What are you doing in my class, may I ask? I doubt you're here to pass up that project due last Friday."

"There was a project due last Friday?" I had a feeling it was a genuine question, accompanied with a raised eyebrow.

"Enough Mr Hood." She gestured at the mess. "Explain please."

Kaylan stepped out from behind me. He was wearing a black biker jacket today, the sleeves rolled up to expose the length of his arms, as well as the raised veins trailing his skin. A girl nearby looked ready to swoon as he moved past her.

"It was my fault, Mrs Smith. I came up from behind and surprised her. I'll clean up the mess."

I could hear the murmurings starting again. A guy actually had his phone out, recording, and I heard him whisper to his friend, "Man, wait till Brandy sees this."

I pushed my way to the front. As much as I'd love for hot demigod to be my knight in shining armour, I couldn't have that, regretfully. I didn't need his help, didn't need the attention, and definitely didn't like the fact that I had no clue as to the motive behind his actions.

"Actually it was my fault, Mrs Smith. I was careless." My voice was firm and tinged with slight irritation as I looked at Kaylan. "I can clean up the mess myself. Mr Hood" - I made sure I emphasized his name - "can just go back to whatever class he has now."

Somebody snorted. "It's Kaylan Hood. Since when did he go to class?" Seriously? Weren't you the same person who said the same thing at the gym the other day? And aren't those the same people laughing?

There was a hiss and a girl gave a little scream. She had been so fixated on Kaylan's sudden appearance that she had forgotten all about her own experiment, which was now foaming all over the place.

Mrs Smith hurried over, but not before calling over her shoulder at us. "You two! Clean up the mess!"

I grabbed a cloth nearby and gingerly began to wipe up the liquid on the table. There was broken glass everywhere, and as I went to pick one up a hand stopped me.

"Don't even think about it." He grabbed a cloth of his own and started picking up the shards, placing them in a small pile on the table.

I wrenched my hand away. "I don't need your help," I said icily.

He crouched down and attended to the glass on the floor. "I don't think you have a choice, apple pie."

Someone overheard us and started squealing to her friend about it. I turned back to him.

"You know what? You can call me Hayley. Or better yet, don't call me anything at all."

"Ah well. Too late. I kinda like apple pie." His voice was light. All this while he kept his eyes on the glass, not once looking at me.

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