Chapter Five

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That guy over there *points to side* That’s Ezekiel, hehe~


Chapter Five!

Day Five, June 4

I'm so tired! I got maybe three hours of sleep last night. Oh I should probably tell you why...

Well after Jamie kissed me (yeah it was only on the hand but still!) I couldn't stop thinking about it. Sure I'd always found him nice looking and he's always so nice but never before had I realized I'd liked him more than just a friend.

I'm not going to tell him. I decided to keep it to myself. Plus I'm afraid he'll think it's gross and he'll want to go home. Jamie is too good of a friend to lose. I know you're supposed to tell your best friends everything but I have to keep this to myself! No one can know, except you diary, I'll tell you everything!

I'm going to act as if nothing happened or changed between us. I don't think it'll be too hard…well I hope it's not!

Well always I befriend someone yesterday! Her name is Callie, she's really shy and quite but I'll snap that shyness out of her by the end of the summer! Oh! That means I can check, make a new friend off the list! Now what do I have to do today? Hold on....

Alright so I checked my awesome book and it says that today's goal is, hug a random stranger. Once again not that exciting...I hope these get harder...I'm sure they will :)

So yeah, I hear noises from below. The monster has awoken meaning I have to go now. I'm sure if Jamie found out I was actually doing this he'd want to read it. This book is for my eyes only!

Love, Love.

I quickly shove the neon green book along with ‘This Summer's Checklist’ into my pillow case. I sit up on my knees and look down at the bottom bunk. A sleepily looking Jamie was sitting directly below with his feet placed on the ground. He was rubbing his eyes.

"Hi Jaime!" I whisper.

Jamie jumps and looks up, "I nearly had a heart attack! I thought you were a sleep!"

Rolling my eyes I climb over the side of the bed jump down to Jamie's bunk. I plop down and laugh as I bounce a little. Well now I want a trampoline!

"You know I always wake up early. You'll never wake up before me!" I stick my tongue out at him.

It's true. In our seven years of friendship I've always awoken before him. Every sleep over we'd ever had Jamie always swore he'd wake up first. Yeah he's still trying to do that...

"I'll do it one day!" he proclaims for the millionth time.

"Sure you will." I pat his head and smile sweetly. Poor boy, chasing after something that's never going to happen.

"I will!"

"When pigs fly."

Jamie shoves me playfully and stands up, "I'm going to take a shower."

"Good! You smell like fish!"  I scrunch up my nose and wave my hand in front of it acting as if Jamie smelled really bad. He didn’t, he still smelt like pineapple.

Jamie laughs grabbing a random pair of clothes. Then I remember one crucial piece of information.

"JAIME WAIT!" I yell as he opens the door.

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