Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Dear Mr. Diary,

Hi. Hello. Hey. Yo. Sup. Meh, I give up I can't think of anymore...

So call me crazy but I've decided something that might be, well crazy. What's this 'crazy' thing you ask? Well Mr. Diary I'll tell yah...right aboutttt now...her.

I'm quitting the list *insert dramatic gasp here*. Before you go and scream at me like an angry Japanese man, let me explain.

So last night, as I was held close to Ezekiel's sexy body, I realized how much fun I can have on my own. I don't need to live by some stupid list to make my summer perfect, I can make it just as perfect without it. Besides worrying about completing something each day can sometimes be nerve wracking, and that's no fun at all.

Oh and don't worry Mr. Diary I'll keep writing in you every morning. If this is going to be the best summer ever I'm going to want to remember everything about it.

So I decided to make my own 'goal' for the rest of the summer is to just make my own fun.

So yeah, I guess that's it for today...

Love, Love

"You're quitting the list?" Jamie looks at me like I'm a mad man.

"Yes Jay, that's correct ." I rub my eyes hoping to get the sleepiness to go away.

I had finally woken up early and had to tell Jamie what i decided. However he was still asleep so I had to wake him up. Jamie isn't a very lovely person when you wake him up at 9:30 by pouring ice water on him.

"So you're telling me you made me go through all of that and now you're giving up?" He shakes the water from his hair, purposely sending little water droplets my way.

"I'm not giving up, I just decided to quit because I can make my own fun." I tell the dumb blonde...okay yeah he's smarter than me but-never mind...

"So no more," he clears his throat, "OMFG TODAY I GOTTA HUG A TREE!"

"My voice is not that high pitched!" I glare at him.

"You've obviously never heard yourself talk...."

My eyes widen. "Damn, I sound like a girl then!"

"Yeah! Exactly! You sound just like-"

"Back to the point my sexy friend, I'm done with the list."

"Okay, thank god, I was getting tired of the stupid thing anyways."

I gasp. "Don't you call my list stupid!" After all I paid money-my dad paid money for that book!

"Whatever." Jamie waves me off. "Where's your lover boy?"

"Sleeping, lazy ass kid." I scoff. "Where's your little 'sweetheart'?"

"She isn't my girlfriend, you know." This gets Jamie all pouty.

"Then why haven't you asked her out yet?!" I shake my head at him. "I swear you're so stupid."

Doesn't he know Callie likes him just as much as he likes her. All he has to do is ask and he'll have himself a cute (not as cute as me, I'm fucking adorable) little girlfriend just like that!

"I am not stupid. I just know she'll say no because she'll want something more than a stupid summer romance."

I frown. Ezekiel and I aren't just going to be a stupid romance, we'll last...right? What if Ezekiel decides he doesn't want a ‘stupid summer romance’? What if he was lying and he really doesn't love me, maybe he only said it because I did.

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