Chapter 46

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{Damian POV}

We arrived at the manor and saw Todd there standing inside.

"What do you want Todd?" I spat at him and he smirked.

"Bruce called and asked me to keep an eye on you, we know you're going to get revenge on him." He said and I crossed my arms.

"If you think I'm that stubborn you are wrong at least I'm not the one who kills people." I said and Emily laid a hand on my shoulder, I sighed and so did Todd.

"Bruce will be home in one hour so if I were you I would start preparing for the worst." He said.

"The man wouldn't let us go without a rematch! What else was I supposed to do, tell him I'm a Wayne and letting him get fired?!" Emily said.

"Actually yes." Todd said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll be in my room." I said and went to my room, I heard a voice coming from outside and stood ready to strike.

"This is just too cool!" Said a girls voice and I raised an eyebrow, I kicked the door open and she jumped.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?!" I yelled and she tried to say something but nothing came out.

"Damian what is happening?" Emily said as she entered the room and the girl started jumping.

"I can't believe it!" She yelled and I raised an eyebrow as she hugged me.

"The Emily and Damian Wayne!" She said and let go of me.

"What is going on here?" Todd said as he entered my room and grinned at me when he saw the girl.

"Damian you never told me that you have a girlfriend." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't, I suddenly found her in my room!" I said and the girl started jumping more, she might look sixteen but she acts like a five year old.

"Jason Todd, I can't believe it!" She said and Todd didn't trust this for one second. He pulled out a gun and aimed it at her.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?!" He said and the girl chuckled as she raised her hands.

"Please have a seat because this is going to be a lot." She said and we all declined.

"Fine, my name is Sarah Klameron and I'm from another universe." She said and I chuckled.

"Prove it." I joked but she took out all kinds of comics out of her bag, my eyes widened as I saw that they were about us!

"In my universe your lives are part of a comic made by the company DC Comics." She said and I grabbed a sleeping gas bat-a-rang from Emily's belt that was hidden under her t-shirt. I threw it at the ground and she passed out.

"We should inform father." I said as Todd caught her so that she wouldn't fall on the ground.

"You're right." He said and we took her down to the cave, we put our suits on just to be sure and after one call everyone came as quick as they could.

{Emily POV}

"So let me get this straight, she's from another universe where our lives are comics?!" Nightwing said creeped out.

"Weirdly enough yeah, so she must know our secrets too." I said and Batman entered, Sarah started waking up and smiled as she saw that the whole family was complete.

"Wow I never knew Bruce Wayne was that tall." She said as she looked at Batman.

"How did you came here?" He asked and she looked confused at the ground.

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