Chapter 54

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{Dick POV}

"So why are you here?" I asked and it became silent, please tell me that it's true.

"I was captured by my sister and escaped to seek revenge." She said and I sighed, she's really gone.

"No." Batman said and Red Hood appeared.

"Please Bruce." She said and I didn't show any emotion like usual.

"I said no." He said and Linda appeared with Aiden.

"Come on father!" Aiden said and I sighed.

"It won't work." I said and Nyssa crossed her arms.

"An explanation of these two were assured to me." She said and Batman looked at the town.

"Until they were fifteen they had a drunk father taking care of them and one day things got out of hand. Nightwing, Red Robin and Robin were on a mission to collect much information as possible and the father caught them one day. A gun was included but Linda was the one who shot her father out of fake defence, a DNA test later it was revealed that they were actually my children and I would never let anyone sleep at an orphanage." He told Nyssa and she nodded.

"There is another reason why I'm here." She said and Robin stopped leaning against the pole.

"Ad that would be?" He said and a smile grew on her face.

"I need you to help me escape my cousin." She said and all our eyes widened.

"What are you talking about." Batman said clearly not believing it and she rolled her eyes.

{Bruce POV}

She's lying, she must be.

"I don't believe it." Red Hood said and got out his gun to aim it at Nyssa.

"Bruce maybe it's true." Nightwing said and I was starting to really losing myself.

"No, you only was us to come and take your vengeance on Ra's. I'm done listening, retreat." I said and shot my grappling hook to the crane and swung away.

"WAIT BRUCE!" Nightwing yelled but I didn't listen, I was so done with today.

{Tim POV}

We all sighed when Bruce swung away and I looked at Nyssa.

"Why should we believe you?" I said and she sighed.

"I might not be the nicest but I sure as hell never make fun of a dead relative." She said and I looked at Nightwing.

"Do you have any proof?" Red Hood asked still having his gun aimed on her, weirdly enough she didn't even looked scared once.

"I do!" She said and grabbed something from her pocket.

"When I changed my clothes I made sure that I took this with me." She said and tossed a bobby pin my way.

"This is the bobby pin she gave me so I could escape, she told me she saw something good in me and let me go." She said and I searched for a strand of hair and found one that was too long to be Nyssa's.

"Doesn't she know who you are?" Red Hood asked and Nightwing shook his head.

"Bruce wanted her to know little about Talia's family so he could prevent her from going after them one day." He said and she sighed.

"Even if she knew who I was she wouldn't recognise me now." She said and we all raised an eyebrow except for Damian.

"She must have brainwashed her then." He said and she nodded smirking.

The New Family Member (Bat family Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon