Chapter 15

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Can we open them? I asked, my voice having a childlike sound, and curiosity.

"Sure we can. These are for you." Sev said, pulling out a mountain of presents from under the tree. I stared at the pile in awe, and picked a random one to open. It was the one from McGonagall. After I opened it, I found a book on higher level transfiguration, one I had been looking for. I opened the presents from Flitwick, Sprout, Dumbledore, Harry, Ron and Hermione first. I got many books and trinkets from the golden trio, Flitwick and Sprout. From Dumbledore I got seventeen pairs of fuzzy socks, all in blue, green turquoise and black. They had stripes, polka dots and prints. Overall, they were awesome.

I opened the presents from Severus last. He got me a beautiful blue and green necklace, more socks, my own little potions kit, and a pair of awesome blue converse. The final package was a blue and silver wrapped flat box, that looked really important. Severus took the box out of my hands and started opening it. I let him. He then pulled out a stack of papers, and handed the top one back to me. It read, Certificate of Adoption. I gasped, and kept reading. It was basically a sheet of paper that would allow Severus to adopt me.

Would you really do this for me? I asked, my eyes shining with tears.

"If you would let me." Sev said, much quieter than normal.

I nodded a yes, and jumped onto him, giving him a suffocating hug. Thank you thank you thank you! I love you dad. I said.

"Did you just call me dad?" Sev asked, pulling back a bit from the hug. I nodded and hid my face in his shoulder, hopping he wouldn't hate me now. To my surprise, I was pulled back into a bone crushing hug. I snuggled into his shoulder, and then realized they were shaking. Severus was crying on my shoulder. I didn't care though. I just pulled closer to him, and let his emotions flow.

"Thank you so much!" Severus managed through his tears. I just nodded. There was no need to say anything, because we knew how the other was feeling. After Sev calmed down, I got out of the hug.

I need to go get your present! I said, running back to my room to get it. I had gone shopping with McGonagall a couple weeks back, and found the perfect gift for Sev. It was quite hard, given the fact that he is so quiet with what he is thinking, but after three hours of searching, I found the perfect gift. I got under my bed and grabbed the green and black wrapped box. It wasn't a big box, but good sized.

I ran back out to where Sev was sitting, and gave him the present. He just kind of stared at it for a couple minutes, before slowly opening it. Once he peeled off the paper, he stared at the little brown box it was in. It took a couple minutes, but he slowly opened the box. Inside was a gold and silver wrist watch, that was enchanted to show pictures on the face. You can download pictures into the watch itself, and they will show up on the face. The numbers change colors depending on the picture, that way you can always see what time it is. He gasped and stared at the watch.

"How did you know? I have always wanted this watch, I just never had the time to be able to get it." He said, still shocked.

I guess I just notice things. I never really payed attention to anything else. I explained, sitting on the floor next to him. When I come to care about someone, I like to be able to figure out what they like and dislike. That way I don't ever really disappoint them. Severus pulled me into a hug, whispering the words thank you over and over again. I again nodded, and my stomach rumbled.

"How about we go get breakfast. Your stomach seems to think that's a good idea." Severus said, chuckling a bit.

Yes please! I replied, and ran to the kitchen. Today for breakfast we had pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs and orange juice. They were red and green chocolate chip pancakes, drenched in syrup, with bacon on the top in a criss cross pattern. On top there were two pieces of bacon, and eggs in the middle of all of it. Orange juice on the side, and in the orange juice there was no pulp. I didn't like when there was pulp in the orange juice. It would get stuck in my teeth. I eventually just gave up, and stopped drinking orange juice with pulp.

Severus and I ate our plates of pancakes, bacon, sausage and eggs in no time, and our orange juice was gone in a matter of seconds. After I finished eating, I went to sit down on the couch. I had already planned out today, and getting dressed was not really on the schedule. I sat down after grabbing the stack of papers I had on the table, and started to write.I had enchanted the paper too count the words I write on the side, so I always have a running total. I had started writing a story yesterday. It was about a girl like me, an orphan at first, but then she gets an amazing opportunity to leave that place. She takes it, and never has to go back again. It was quite a happy story actually, although it starts out kind of dark and gloomy. Sev walked into the room and sat down on his chair. He too had a gigantic stack of papers in his hands, and a quill and ink holder balanced expertly on top. I didn't think he was writing though. He looked to be grading papers, and was deep in thought, muttering to himself on how the kids he had to teach were a bunch of dunderheads. I internally laughed at this comment, and kept writing, promising myself to put the word dunderhead in my story.

Sev and I sat there writing and grading for I don't know how long, until the fireplace lit up a bright green, startling both Sev and I. We jumped and glared at the fireplace, which now had something standing in it. It was professor Dumbledore, on christmas? Can't say I saw that one coming. I thought, as he dusted himself off. Once he was satisfied that there was no more dirt on him, he looked toward where Sev was sitting, his eyes shining when they fell on me.

"Ah Severus, I see that Miss. Leighlah is well now?" He asked mysteriously, eyes shining.

"Yes headmaster. All well and safe." Sev said, looking over toward me.

"Good, good. Now listen Severus. I know it all seems good right now, but there is darkness coming, I can feel it." Dumbledore said, suddenly very serious. The twinkle no longer in his eyes.

"Yes headmaster. I have been able to sense it too. Do you think it has anything to do with what we talked about before term started?" Sev asked, also serious.

What are you talking about? What darkness? I know there is something is going on, but what? I asked, really confused on what is going on. By now the parchment and quill had fallen from my hands, and my full attention was on the two men standing in front of me.

Dumbledore and Severus looked at each other, and seemed to be having a silent conversation with their eyes. From what I could tell it looked more like an argument. Or at least Sev was arguing what Dumbledore had to say. After a couple minutes, Dumbledore sighed, and said, "Fine, you can tell her Severus. Just wait until after I have left."

"Thank you headmaster. I just thought it would be kind of cruel not to tell my daughter what is going on." Sev said, his eyes shining with pride.

"Daughter?" Dumbledore said, clearly confused that he hadn't learned this information yet.

"Yes, daughter." Sev said, holding the adoption papers under Dumbledore's face. A smug look on his face.

"Well, then congratulations Severus and Leighlah." He said, pride shining in his eyes. "With that note, I believe it is time for me to take my leave. Have a good day, and merry christmas you two." Dumbledore said, before stepping into the fireplace, and calling "Headmaster's office, Hogwarts!" With a swoosh of bright green light, he vanished from sight.

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