Chapter 21

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I continued my walk down the hall, until I got to my first class Transfiguration. Professor McGonagall was sitting at her desk, and looked surprised to see me there so early. I'm usually one of the last people there, but only because I get to breakfast after everyone else, and have to stuff my face so I'm not late.

I took my seat in the back of the room, and got out my books. McGonagall already had the day's assignment on the board, so I flipped to the correct page and started reading. I had finished reading the text, and was working on the writing part of the assignment. I was done before most kids even walked into the room, so I took the parchment up to Professor McGonagall's desk, and tapped her on the shoulder. Her head jerked up, and she looked ready to snap, but when she saw it was me, her eyes softened, and the anger melted away. I set the parchment on her desk, and her eyes grew wide.

"Did you just do all the reading and the assignment?" She asked in wonder.

I nodded, and headed back to my seat. By now most of the class was here, and we were just waiting for a few to show up. They all did after a few minutes though. Once the bell rang, Professor McGonagall stood up and walked over to the board.

"Today will be an easy day. You need to do the assignment on the board and finish it by the end of class. If you do not, it will become homework. Do you understand." She said, looking at each of us in turn.

We all nodded, and as soon as McGonagall sat down at her desk, the rustle of book pages filled the room. Everyone started reading except for me. I went up to McGonagall's desk to get the goblet. I would be transfiguring it into an owl. A snowy white owl to be exact.

I carried the goblet back to my desk, and pulled out my wand from my shoe. I have no idea how it actually stays there, but it does. I flipped my book to the correct page, and looked at the spell I would be using. After I memorised it and the hand motions that went with it, I closed my book, and put it back in my bag. I silently thought the spell, while doing the hand motions. The goblet changed into a beautiful snowy white owl with the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen. It hooted softly, before flying to rest on my shoulder. I was amazed at the animal I had created from a water goblet. I was so transfixed on the owl, that I didn't notice Professor McGonagall walk up behind me.

"She's beautiful." She said, also staring at the owl in awe. By now, half of the class had turned their heads to look at me, and I was starting to get a bit flustered.

Can I keep her? I asked Professor McGonagall, my eyes as big as does.

"Sure you can. She is too beautiful to change back, and it seems she has taken a liking to you." McGonagall said, giving me a rare smile. "You are dismissed from the rest of the lesson. Go put her in your room. I promise you won't get in trouble."

I smiled and nodded, picking up my bag and swinging it over my shoulder. I walked out of the '1' room, but not before seeing the jealous looks my classmates were giving me.

When I got back to my room, I was surprised to see that dad was sitting in his chair. When I entered the room, his head snapped up, and a look of confusion crossed his face.

"Leighlah, why aren't you in class, and why is there an owl on your shoulder?" He asked.

Professor McGonagall let me go early because I finished the assignment. She also said that I could keep the owl from today's lesson. I explained, walking toward my room. I opened the door, and transfigured an old ratty pair of socks into a beautiful golden cage for my new owl. I should probably name her. I thought, while trying to come up with a good name. Well, she looked a lot like a winter owl, especially with the blue eyes. I tried to come up with a good winter name. It took a while, but I finally came up with the perfect name.

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