call #13

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"i have to say, i have been looking forward to this call all day," he says.

she laughs. "that's a lot of pressure you're putting on me to not mess this call up."

"i don't think you could if you tried. how are you?"

"i'm good. stressed with school. i met up with a girl from class today and we spent six hours studying for our test tomorrow. six hours."

"that's dedication. i hope you both pass."

"me too. you sound like you've had a stressful day?"

"yeah." he sighs. "i've been in the process of moving all week."

"moving, huh?"

"thought it was about time i got out of the apartment we shared together."

"well, good for you."

"it turns out that i'm not a very good decorator." he laughs. "i asked my sister to come help me pick stuff out at ikea but she was busy so i had to go alone. my new place is going to look like the ultimate bachelor pad and i don't think that's a good thing."

she laughs at the sound of his distraught voice. "it can't be that bad."

"i bought a table with a dartboard as the table top. what am i going to do with that? obviously i'm not going to throw darts at it. why did i buy it? i don't know."

"one bad purchase—"

"i bought a life-size shrek cutout."

"at ikea?" she says, hardly able to get the words out through her laughter.

"no. i stopped at a comic book store and had to buy it."

"well, i can tell you one good thing that has come from you buying a life-size shrek cutout."

"what's that?" he asks.

"you don't have to worry about manscaping because there's no way you're getting laid anytime soon." her laughter starts up once more.

"i'll find my fiona and she'll love my swamp. you'll see." 

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