call #21

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the ringing stops. he freezes before mumbling a quiet, "tee?"

"hi," she says, her voice barely above a whisper.

he lets out a sigh of relief. "oh, thank god! i've been trying to get a hold of you for, like, two weeks. where have you been?"


"look, i'm sorry about benny. he was totally out of line—"

"i probably would have reacted the same way if i found out my friend was wasting all their money talking to a sex line operator."

"i'm not wasting my money."

a dry laugh sounds from her end. "sure you're not."

"look," he says angrily, "it's my money and i'll spend it however i damn well want to. i don't need benny, or even you, telling me that i'm wasting my money."

she sighs. "why are you even still calling me, evan?"

"because, we're friends."

"temporary friends. you said it yourself. you started calling because you wanted to get over your ex. it's been two months and you seem fine to me. why are you still wasti— i mean, spending your money on these calls?"

"i don't know, tee. did it ever cross your mind that maybe i just want to talk to you? call me crazy but i sort of enjoy our conversations." a humorless laugh passes his lips.

"how do you know benny's not right about me? how do you know i'm not just telling you what you want to hear so i'll make more money?"

"because i know you."

the line falls silent, creating a tense air on both ends. the silence is soon replaced by a loud shriek, resembling that of a baby's cry.

"shit," she mutters. "i have to go."

"what was that sound?"

"i can't explain right now. call me back tomorrow."

he hears movement on her end and considers hanging up, but his impatience wins. "what's going on, tee?"

"evan..." she pauses, unsure what to say next. "there are some things i haven't told you, things i want to tell you. but i really can't explain right now. call tomorrow."

he swallows down his eagerness, nodding his head despite the fact that she can't see him. "okay. tomorrow."

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