text #5

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hi. time zones are weird. what time is it there?

it's 10am. what time is it there? where even are you?

hello, seattle. greetings from paris. it's 7pm.

hello seattle. owl city. that should be on our emo myspace playlist.

i thought we agreed to never talk about that again.

i agreed to no such thing. how's paris? i hope you're not meeting any hot french men in the city of love.

the only french man i'm falling in love with is voltaire and he's been dead a while, so you've got nothing to worry about. he did have a killer head of hair though. you may want to consider growing yours out.

i disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.

impressive. i didn't peg you for a voltaire fan.

i googled 'voltaire quotes'

much less impressive lol.

you're right about his hair though. very luscious.

the cemeteries here are really cool. am i creepy for saying that?

maybe a little bit lol.

they're just so different from the cemeteries back home. it feels like there's so much more history at these ones. people are stacked on top of each other. it's crazy. they're so eerily beautiful.

new phone who dis?

ha-ha. very funny.

it's okay. i accept this creepy side of you.

i am not creepy. you'd have to see it to understand.

i just googled it. i still think you're a little creepy.

i'm really glad you know how to use google, evan.

i'm a teacher. trust me. i know how to use google ;)

don't wink at me when you say that. it makes it creepy.

says the girl who was just talking about the beauty of cemeteries.

if you are going to keep mocking me, there are plenty of hot french guys i can go spend my free time with.

i heard french people hate americans. i heard that when they see an overweight american in a yellow shirt they call them a twinkie.

well that's rude. so far the french people have been lovely towards us.

where are you heading next?

england. quite a rich history over there.

well if you meet the queen tell her that i love her and ask her to sign my chest.

how is she supposed to sign your chest when you're thousands of miles away?

she's the queen. she'll figure it out.

if i see her i'll let her know lol. i'm actually about to go out to dinner with some other students. i won't have wi-fi so i have to go. it was nice talking with you though :-)

you too. have fun. i miss you.

I miss you too. talk to you soon!

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