The Decision and Attack

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~Isabella's POV~

Jane and Alec are still standing at my side gripping my hands like if they let go I'm going to disappear from their lives again.

I was brought out of my thoughts by my name being called. I turned my attention toward Aro and his brothers. "Isabella you will be staying here with the Volturi" Aro said gesturing for Jane to take me to the side.

Before I could react Edward was holding Jane by her neck and had his teeth at her throat. I saw Alec push his hands out and there other gaurd members about to attack but quickly stopped at Aro's signal.

"Edward you have 3 seconds to let my sister go or I will hurt you" I said putting up three fingers. He had tried my patience today and there wasn't any left.

"Your nothing but a pet, a human you can't hurt me" He said returned after my throat

"I thought you would have already learned your lesson from the cracks on your body" I said after I put all my fingers down.

"Would you look at that there are no more fingers left" I said in mock astonishment before I wrapped my shield around myself and lunged at Edward kicking him into a wall.

Jane ran over to Alec and I put my feet on his shoulders and pulled Edward's head until his head came off his body with an agonizing metallic screech 
and I released his body letting it land on the floor with a thud but keeping ahold of his head which I soon dropped also.

"Are you alright J?"I asked checking her over to make sure Edward didn't start to crack the skin. Even though Jane was a vampire I was technically older than her.

"I am fine thank you Bells"Jane answered pulling me into a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2018 ⏰

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