Chapter 16

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Connor held my head in his hands and brought my face closer to his, pressing his lips firmly on mine. The kiss started out slow and gentle, but that didn’t last long. I had this need to be closer to him so I brought my arms up around his neck, playing with his hair.

Once I touched his hair, he turned the kiss more passionate. He bit my lip, asking for entrance, and he was more than granted. He moved his hands towards my waste, pulling me closer to him, leaving barely any space between us.

All too soon, he pulls away, placing his forehead against mine.

“Sweetheart, you’re one hell of a kisser.”  He says, slightly out of breath.

“You ain’t to bad yourself.” I smiled.

He leans down and pecks my lips, again.

“This feels so right, holding you in my arms.”

“I feel safe in your arms.”

As cliché as this sounds, I honestly feel like he means it. If he’s feeling what I’m feeling, then I know for a fact that he’s being honest.

I lean in to give him another kiss, but he pulls away slightly.

“Sugar, I don’t know if I could control myself if we continue.”

“Who said I want you to control yourself?” I asked.

“Is there some hidden meaning somewhere in that sentence? I don’t think I could even try to figure it out right now, I’m a little preoccupied.” He smiles down at me and winks.

“No hidden meaning intended. I honestly wouldn’t mind if you didn’t control yourself.”

He makes a noise that resembles a groan from the back of his throat. “Sugar, I know I might be in the NFL but not all of us are into one night stands. If we do this, we’re in it for the long haul. Are you cool with that?”

“I’m perfectly fine with that.”

And with that, he took me to bed.

The sun shines brightly through the window, shining on my face. I raise my head just a tiny bit and notice my cheek was resting on someone’s chest. Suddenly, I remembered the events from last night and couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face.

I rest my head back onto Connor’s bare chest and snuggle closer to his side. I feel Connor move slightly, wrapping his arms around my waist in the process. I place small kisses on his chest, making a trail leading towards his lips. Finally, I place a gentle kiss on his lips. At first, there was no response, but he responded shortly after, taking over the kiss.

He used his arms that were wrapped around my waste to flip us over, so he was on top, never breaking the kiss.

“Well that was a pleasant way to wake up.” He smirks.

“I figured I should wake you up sometime.”

“Hey, I need my sleep; I have a handy cap leg at the moment.”

“That leg didn’t seem to have any problem moving last night.” I smirked right back at him.

He just laughs and plants a kiss on my lips.

“Alright, I think we should get moving.” I said, groaning in the process.

As we both get out of bed, Connor slaps my ass. I turn around to see a look of pure innocence on Connor’s face.

I raise my eyebrow at him and place my hands on my hips, completely unaware of the fact that I was completely naked. Connor smirks and makes his way over to me.

“You’re really cute whenever you’re angry, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. The fact that you’re naked is just an added bonus.”

I slap his arm and break his hold of me. I purposefully sway my hips as I walk towards the bathroom. I hear Connor moan from behind me and I smile to myself, feeling rather confident.

After my shower, I changed into one of Con’s t shirts and some clean underwear from the duffle bag Connor must have packed for me last night. I wasn’t quite ready to change into my regular comfortable clothes, jeans and a hoodie. I was quite alright with wearing Con’s t shirt that smelled just like him.

I make my way down the stairs, using my nose to lead me towards the kitchen. There I find Connor, cooking breakfast for me. It smelled delicious. Connor was making eggs, over easy since they’re my favorite, with homemade bacon and white toast, the perfect breakfast.

And to top it off, I enjoyed watching Connor cook in only jeans and no shirt.

I walk right up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. He turns his head around slightly, once he saw it was me he smiled and turned around, wrapping his arms around my waist, causing me to move my arms around his neck.

“Hey baby, I didn’t hear you come down. Enjoy you’re shower?”

“I certainly did, it was relaxing.”

“That’s good, you need that.”

When he said that, I remembered the reason why I’m staying at his house in the first place, and I wince. Connor must have noticed because he his face lit with concern in an instant.

“Are you ok? Do you hurt?”

“I’m fine, just a few more bruises on my body than it wants.”

I decided to change the subject, “So Mr. Lover boy, what would you say is going on between us?”

His face grew serious in an instant, “I thought we decided last night that we were now an item, that it wouldn’t be a one night stand?” I could tell he was a little offended, a little being an overstatement.

I hushed him by kissing him and then resting my head on his chest, holding him in a hug. “That sounds perfect to me.”

I could feel his shoulders shrug in relief and I knew in that instant, that I just fell in love with Connor O’Shea all over again.

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