Chapter 16 A Hobo

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"Are you there Lana?" my name sounded so good coming out his mouth. His soft tone almost made me forget what a stupid cheating bitch he really is.

"What do you want?" my teeth were clenched tightly as I shot daggers into mid air even though I knew he couldn't see me.

"Can I meet you please? I have explaining to do" he replied trying to make himself sound weak so I would cave in. Not this time Trenton Sanders.

"What is there left to say? You publicly humiliated me! and you think I will listen just cause you want to 'talk'" I mocked giving air quotes.

He cleared his throat over the phone before proceeding to the phone. It seemed as though he had no response to this.

"There's a reason I'm doing this ok. It's not like I love Hannah anyway!" the words came as a wash of relief and I honestly don't know why.

"Then dump her!" was the only words I said. I can't believe I sounded so desperate after everything Trent had done to me. But there was still a bit of hope left within me, that maybe he had done it for a good reason, I mean he seemed so desperate to explain what was going on even though I had made it quite clear that I did not want to talk to him.

No noise came from the other side of the phone. "I can't" were the only words he mumbled.

"It's complicated" this made my anger grow but I controlled it hence I was in the middle of the schools cafeteria.

"Well then stop trying to talk to me because you know the answer yourself" I cut the phone off before he could say anything else and decided to head home.

On my way home my phone kept ringing and buzzing but I knew it was the ass whole himself so decided to just ignore it.

My heart was beating rapidly in my chest as the sight of my home came into view.

Where was Drake and Alex? I wonder what hospital it was and why does no one ever tell me anything?

I opened the house door to be greeted by the one the only my big brother! Who finally decided to show up after like 100 days (note the emphasis).

"Jackass" I yelled dropping my bag onto the floor and jumping into his arms. "Were have you been for so many days I've missed you" I said giving a light smile into his shoulder as I held back tears.

I was not going to cry all the time like they do in those clićhed movies and novels. "Wow" was all he said before he hugged me back.

"I'm guessing I missed a lot" he said smiling as I pulled away.

"Tell me about it'' I mumbled looking at the ground. "Where's Chloe?" I tasked trying to get the attention of me.

"Yeah she's fine." he paused before giving me a small smile it was almost reassuring.

"She has something to tell you"

"What?" I asked curiosity getting the better of me.

"You'll just have to wait and find out" he said giving me a small wink. I gave a laugh before tackling him to the ground.

"You better tell me" I said tickling him as he laughed uncontrollably.

"Get off me" he yelled through fits of laughter "and then go ask her yourself" I continued tickling him just to piss him off.

Until finally I couldn't be bothered anymore and just came of him. He quickly stood up the first chance he got so that I couldn't rugby tackle him again.

But surprisingly he pulled me into a hug which was so comforting I really didn't want to leave my brothers arms. We didn't speak for five minutes and just embraced each other for a while.

"Look Lana I have some news to tell you but I want you to go speak to Chloe first'' he patted me on the back as I pulled him out of the embrace.

I nodded as I jogged up the stairs I don't know why but I really had craving for a pineapple even though its my most hated fruit.

This was rather odd, I never usually have a craving.

I pushed the thought at the back of my mind as I jogged into my room deciding to just settle for a tank top and jeans before speaking to Chloe.

I pulled my jeans on but oddly they felt really tight.

What the fuck am I-

No I can't be it was only yesterday me and Drake had sex so how can I be-

But it all makes sense my craving, jeans not fitting me anymore and not to mention the vomiting.

I began to panic.

What if I am pregnant with Trent's child?

But I remember he used a condom.

Also I went to the doctor a couple of days ago and asked him about my constant sickness he said its due to me taking to much stress over the last month or so and my body can't cope or something along those lines anyway.

I looked at my stomach closely in the mirror. It looks ok.

Stop trying to reassure yourself Lana we both know you've gained some weight. I bit on my bottom lip looking closely at my figure in the mirror.

I bet Chloe is wondering where I am, maybe I can talk to her about this.

I slid on sweat pants which were currently the only thing that fit and walked over to Chloe's room.

I gave a soft knock on the door before I heard a 'come in'.

I sauntered into the room and sat at the edge of the bed as Chloe put her magazine on the night stand.

"Hey Lana" she said getting up and hugging me.

"Hey Chloe'' I said giving her a tight hug back.

We both pulled away as I took in Chloe's appearance. Her usually neatly tied hair was in a frizzy blonde mess. She was wearing sweat pants and a shirt and her green eyes looked tired as black bags hung loosely at the bottom of her eye.

All in all she looked like a hobo

"Hey I heard that'' she complained as I gave a stupid laugh. She play slapped me before continuing to speak.

"Anyway Lana I have something to tell you" she gripped onto both my hands a smile clearly plastered on her face.

''Lana your going to be an aunt" as the words escaped her mouth I jumped up and down like a lunatic forgetting that I could possibly be pregnant. But I was so excited I even had forgotten Drake was in hospital.

I stopped jumping as the remembrance of me possibly being pregnant flooded back. A serious expression flooded my face as I felt remorse wash over me.

Why did I ever have sex with him?

"Whats wrong honey?" she asked her expression going serious.

Should I tell her? but what if she tells Jason?

''Chloe...." I paused looking up to the ceiling. "I think I may be pregnant''

Her eyes went wide with shock as she processed the information.





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Short chapter but at least I uploaded ;)

Bye cookie monsters


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