Chapter 36 Room Mates

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I was just about to scream and tell Trent through the mind link. But before I could grasp what was going on a cloth was wrapped around my mouth.

One thing crossed my mind before darkness engulfed me.

I had been wolfnapped!

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Trent p.o.v

I rushed down the stairs after dropping Lana off beside Rachel. I didn't want to leave her there but I know I have no choice.

She would be safer up in her room than she is beside me.

'Alpha hunters have been spotted south of the territory' my beta Ryan told me through the mind link.

Believe it or not, I was scared. I know what theses hunters are capable off, they've killed numerous members of our pack who were all in high positions.

'Ok I'm just going to speak to Jason, then we will make a move' I replied to Ryan.

I quickly raced down the remaining stairs, receiving numerous bows of respect from random members of the pack. I still had to give the warrior wolfs orders on where they have to go.

Jason was standing outside speaking to a member from his pack, who I'm assuming is his beta. He was a middle aged man, with light flecks of white hair mixed with his light brown hair.

I cleared my throat making Jason aware that I wanted to speak to him. They both turned in my direction, Jason's beta nodding towards me then retreating to speak to his other pack members.

"I just received news that hunters were spotted south of the territory" I told Jason as he nodded.

I had to trust his decisions because not only is he my mates brother, but he's also been an alpha for longer than me, which means he has more experience.

"I think we should send all the warrior wolfs after them hunters, that way we can just capture them before we even reach the pack house" Jason said looking at me skeptically.

My wolf felt uneasy at the thought that they're wouldn't be anybody protecting his mate. I didn't agree with his decision.

"I think we should have a few wolfs patrolling the house, just to be on the safe side" I said to him but he shook his head.

"I don't think that's a good idea, if we capture them before try get to the pack house it would be a much better decision. That way children and women wouldn't have to witness a blood bath outside they're windows" Jason replied.

I didn't agree with his thoughts and didn't want to go along with his command. But I know I'm already on his bad side after the whole cheating incident so just nodded agreeing reluctantly with his decision.

"Fine, but if we don't get them within 15 minutes, I'm sending some warrior wolfs back to the pack house to protect Lana and my pack" I replied and he surprisingly muttered an ok.

I walked over to the warrior wolfs.

"I suspect you guys already know that hunters have been spotted south of the territory, I want around 30 of you to go in that direction, if you do happen to come across a hunter bring them to me. I don't want you guys to kill them because I want to question them first especially Nick" I paused ushering for the 30 wolfs to stand to the side.

"Ok I need around 15 other wolfs to go to the North of the territory and patrol down there. Remember to patrol the outskirts of the territory too, don't leave a single piece of land uncovered" they all nodded and 15 other wolfs stood in another group to the side.

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