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"More pain."


Arabelle walks into the Institute ducking her face, it was obvious she felt guilty; but she wasn't going to let her guard down just because of a mundane getting kidnap.

"I still don't understand." Clary says with a frown. "How can Shadowhunters be better than than what you people call mundanes?." She asks as she turns around to see every single one of them.

"Because we protect humans." Isabelle replies almost harshly.

"Yeah, right. Well your sister left Simon all alone in the van and now some freaky vampires kidnapped him." Clary says gritting her teeth and Arabelle clears her throat as she lifts her head up with a deadly look.

"Well you decided that your memories were far more important than your best friend; You should be at least thankful i gave a single fuck about your friend." Arabelle says sternly as she emphasizes that last part.

"Her memories will bring us to the Mortal Cup." Jace says defending Clary as he takes a step closer to Arabelle, she scoffs as she stares at him in disbelief.

"You think she gives a crap about the Mortal Cup? She only wants her mom back." Arabelle replies harshly.

"You say that so lightly, i guess that's because your biological mother is gone." Clary says, and Arabelle quickly snaps a look at her and approaches her; Only centimeters away from Clary's face. Clary's face turns paler by the second as she stares at the brunette straight into her eyes.

"Don't you ever dare to talk about my family or i swear to the angel that i will slit your throat just like i have been imagining for the past hour." Arabelle says harshly as she holds her seraph blade above Clary's head.

"You passed the line, Clary." Isabelle says gritting her teeth; Restraining herself from saying something harsher to Clary.

"Arabelle!." Jace commands as she grabs Arabelle's arm. "That's enough, you've made your point." He says sternly and Arabelle clenches her jaw.

"You know what, Jace? I don't think i have, you can go search for that mundane by yourselves. I won't let this carrot haired chick make me feel guilty for something that clearly isn't my fault." Arabelle spits as she shakes off Jace's arm before walking away.

"Arabelle!." Alec calls her name over and over but Arabelle runs into the training room and starts hitting a dummy before splitting it in two with her seraph blade. "I know she was out of line but so were you." Alec says before snitching Arabelle's blade out of her hands.

She stares blankly at the wall as her fists tighten.

"She doesn't know me and yet she thinks she can talk about my mother." She states and she starts to feel her eyes water. Arabelle closes her eyes and bites her lips as she tries to contain her tears. If Clary only knew that Arabelle never got the chance to meet her mother.

Alec grabs Arabelle's arm and embraces her, Arabelle's head against her brother's chest as she sobs uncontrollably. Angry tears leave her eyes as she wraps her arms around her brother's chest.

"It's okay, Belle." Alec mutters as his hand travels up and down her hair, he lays his chin on her sister's head. "I'm here." Anger starts to fill every inch of Alec's body. If he hated Clary before, she could be sure as hell he will never forgive her for this.

WAR OF HEARTS [J.WAYLAND]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora