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"You're fighting me off like a firefighter. So tell me why you still get burned, You say you're not, but you're still a liar.
Cause I'm the one that you run to first."



I hate to admit it but i was feeling sort of excited to attend to Hardtail, where we were meeting Magnus, it was a relief to know that even though the situation wasn't the best we still had the opportunity to make things interesting.

"I'll go with Izzy and Alec to secure the perimeter." I said to Jace and before i could leave his side, he grabbed my arm and shook his head. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Izzy and Alec will be fine on their own." He stated and i sighed. How exciting! i get to be the third wheel.

"Sorry for not wanting to be the third wheel." I muttered for myself but Jace looked at me.

"Third wheel?." He asked with a smirk, Clary also glanced at me. I nodded.

"Yep, that's me Jacey." I smiled innocently and he shook his head with a chuckle.

"You could never be a third wheel, Belle." He said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder, his warm hands rubbing against my uncovered shoulders.

"Shouldn't we be more concerned about the fact that the last time we were here, this place was full of vampires." Clary chided after se cleared her throat, Jace smiled, he's been doing that quite lately.

"Relax, all downworlders hang out here." Jace replied.

"We just had the bad luck of being here on vampire night." I teased and Clary clicked her tongue.

"Right. When is all of this going to sound normal to me?." Clary asked and i looked away at the moment i saw Jace smiling at her.

"I don't know." He smiled with his pearly white teeth, looking at her in the eyes making me flinch. Oh how much i loved that pain in my chest.

It was chilly out here, and my short short skirt and uncovered shoulders were not up to the task of making me warm.

"All clear." Alec said from behind me, touching my back lightly, i simply nodded. The last thing on my mind was how safe we were.

Izzy approached Clary, wrapping her arm around Clary's and smirking.

"You think red is my color?." Isabelle asked and i almost scoffed, she knew damn well.

"Iz, with a body like yours, everything's your color." Clary replied and i couldn't agree more, i envyed Izzy's body. She had the perfect amount of curves, boobs, slim waist, and the most perfect legs i have ever seen, no wonder why she dressed like she dressed.

"Good point." Isabelle replied with a growing smirk as i shivered, Jace looked down at me.

"Are you cold?." He asked and i shook my head, not wanting to look at him in the eyes.

"Nah i'm good."

After hearing Alec and Isabelle arguining about the necklace — Bait we were using to grab Magnus's attention – and Isabelle ending up giving it to Jace, we walked into the obnoxious and full of sexual frustrated teenagers club. It wasn't like i didn't like having fun, but i certainly didn't enjoy having man press against me like they owned me. It never took long for them to see that i was having any of their shit and the nights will end up in me giving someone a punch in the face, something that both Alec and Jace gladly applauded while Isabelle rolled her eyes telling me how that wasn't lady-like.

WAR OF HEARTS [J.WAYLAND]Where stories live. Discover now